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HV9113PJ 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: HV9113PJ
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内容描述: 高压电流模式PWM控制器 [High-Voltage Current-Mode PWM Controller]
分类和应用: 稳压器开关式稳压器或控制器电源电路开关式控制器信息通信管理高压
文件页数/大小: 7 页 / 327 K
品牌: SUPERTEX [ Supertex, Inc ]
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Test Circuits  
Error Amp ZOUT  
0.1V swept 10Hz 1MHz  
1.0V swept 100Hz 2.2MHz  
(1 turn  
NOTE: Set Feedback Voltage so that  
COMP = VDIVIDE 1mV before connecting transformer  
Detailed Description  
the 50% maximum duty cycle versions, a frequency dividing flip-  
flop. A single external resistor between the OSC In and OSC Out  
pins is required to set oscillator frequency (see graph). For the  
50% maximum duty cycle versions the Discharge pin is internally  
connected to GND. For the 99% duty cycle version, the discharge  
pin can either be connected to VSS directly or connected to VSS  
through a resistor used to set a deadtime.  
voltage n-channel depletion-mode DMOS transistor driven by an  
error amplifier to form a variable current path between the VIN  
terminal and the VDD terminal. Maximum current (about 20 mA)  
occurswhenVDD =0, withcurrentreducingasVDD rises. Thispath  
shuts off altogether when VDD rises to somewhere between 7.8  
and 9.4V, so that if VDD is held at 10 or 12V by an external source  
(generallythesupplythechipiscontrolling). Nocurrentotherthan  
leakage is drawn through the high voltage transistor. This mini-  
mizes dissipation.  
One difference exists between the Supertex HV911X and com-  
petitive 911Xs: On the Supertex part the oscillator is shut off  
when a shutoff command is received. This saves about 150µA of  
quiescent current, which aids in the construction of power sup-  
plies to meet CCITT specification I-430, and in other situations  
where an absolute minimum of quiescent power dissipation is  
An external capacitor between VDD and VSS is generally required  
to store energy used by the chip in the time between shutoff of the  
high voltage path and the VDD supplys output rising enough to  
take over powering the chip. This capacitor should have a value  
of 100X or more the effective gate capacitance of the MOSFET  
being driven, i.e.,  
Cstorage 100 x (gate charge of FET at 10V ÷ 10V)  
as well as very good high frequency characteristics. Stacked  
polyester or ceramic caps work well. Electrolytic capacitors are  
generally not suitable.  
The Reference of the HV911X consists of a stable bandgap  
reference followed by a buffer amplifier which scales the voltage  
up to approximately 4.0V. The scaling resistors of the reference  
of the error amplifier when connected in a gain of 1 configuration  
is as close to 4.000V as possible. This nulls out any input offset  
of the error amplifier. As a consequence, even though the ob-  
served reference voltage of a specific part may not be exactly  
4.0V, the feedback voltage required for proper regulation will be.  
A common resistor divider string is used to monitor VDD for both  
the undervoltage lockout circuit and the shutoff circuit of the high  
voltage FET. Setting the undervoltage sense point about 0.6V  
lower on the string than the FET shutoff point guarantees that the  
undervoltage lockout always releases before the FET shuts off.  
A 50Kresistor is placed internally between the output of the  
reference buffer amplifier and the circuitry it feeds (reference  
output pin and non-inverting input to the error amplifier). This  
allows overriding the internal reference with a low-impedance  
voltage source 6.0V. Using an external reference reinstates the  
input offset voltage of the error amplifier, and its effect of the exact  
value of feedback voltage required.  
Bias Circuit  
Anexternalbiasresistor, connectedbetweenthebiaspinandVSS  
is required by the HV911X to set currents in a series of current  
mirrors used by the analog sections of the chip. Nominal external  
bias current requirement is 15 to 20µA, which can be set by a  
390Kto 510Kresistor if a 10V VDD is used, or a 510kto  
680Kresistor if VDD will be 12V. A precision resistor is not  
required; 5% is fine.  
Becausethereferenceofthe911Xisahighimpedancenode, and  
usually there will be significant electrical noise near it, a bypass  
capacitor between the reference pin and VSS is strongly recom-  
mended. The reference buffer amplifier is intentionally compen-  
sated to be stable with a capacitive load of 0.01 to 0.1µF.  
Clock Oscillator  
The clock oscillator of the HV911X consists of a ring of CMOS  
inverters, timing capacitors, a capacitor discharge FET, and, in  