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SMH4814SR04 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: SMH4814SR04
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内容描述: 双路馈电有源或门可编程热插拔控制器 [Dual Feed Active-ORing Programmable Hot Swap Controller]
分类和应用: 控制器
文件页数/大小: 44 页 / 926 K
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Preliminary Information  
The SMH4814 integrated power controller operates  
within a wide supply range, typically –32 to –72 volts,  
and generates the signals necessary to drive isolated-  
output DC/DC converters.  
The VGATE_HS output is current limited to IVGATE,  
allowing the slew rate to be easily modified using  
external passive components. During the controlled  
turn-on period the VDS of the MOSFET is monitored by  
the DRAIN SENSE input. When DRAIN SENSE drops  
below 2.5V, and VGATE_HS rises above V12 – VGT,  
the SMH4814 asserts the PUPA through PUPD power  
good outputs to enable the DC/DC controllers.  
The device accepts two independent –48V feeds via  
input pins FEEDA and FEEDB. The VGATEA pin  
controls the flow of power from FEEDA to the load.  
The VGATEB pin controls the flow of power from  
FEEDB to the load.  
Steady-state operation is maintained as long as all  
conditions are normal. Any of the following events  
may cause the device to disable the DC/DC controllers  
by shutting down the power MOSFETs:  
The SMH4814 continuously monitors the voltage on  
FEEDA and FEEDB. The supply arbitration block in  
Figure 2 selects which pin drives power to the device  
based on the voltage level on each pin and the  
acceptable voltage range. Once the FEEDA or FEEDB  
pin is selected the SMH4814 asserts the  
corresponding VGATE pin. The assertion of this pin  
turns on the external low-RDSON FETs to supply power  
to the load.  
An under-voltage or over-voltage condition on the  
host power supply.  
A failure of the power MOSFET sensed via the  
The PD1/PD0 pin detect signals becoming invalid.  
The master enable (EN/TS) falls below 2.5V.  
Any of the FB inputs driven low by events on the  
Start-up Procedure  
secondary side of the DC/DC controllers.  
The occurrence of an overcurrent.  
The general start-up procedure is as follows:  
The SMH4814 may be configured so that after any of  
these events occurs the VGATE output shuts off, and  
either latches into an off state or recycles power after  
1. A physical connection must be made with the  
chassis to discharge any electrostatic voltage  
potentials when a typical add-in board is inserted  
into the powered backplane.  
a cooling down period, tCYC  
2. The board then contacts the long pins on the  
Powering V12  
backplane that provide power and ground.  
3. As soon as power is applied the device starts up,  
but it does not immediately apply power to the  
output load.  
4. Under-voltage and over-voltage circuits inside the  
controller verify that the input voltage is within a  
user-specified range.  
5. The SMH4814 senses the PD1 and PD0 pin  
detection signals to indicate the card is seated  
The SMH4814 contains an internal shunt regulator on  
the V12 pin that prevents the voltage from exceeding  
12V. It is necessary to use a dropping resistor (RD)  
between the host power supply and the V12 pin in  
order to limit current into the device and prevent  
possible damage. The dropping resistor allows the  
device to operate across a wide range of system  
supply voltages, typically –32 V to –72V, and also  
helps protect the device against common-mode power  
surges. Refer to the Applications Section for help on  
calculating the RD resistance value.  
These requirements must be met for a Pin Detect  
Delay period of tPDD. Once this time has elapsed the  
hot-swap controller enables VGATE_HS to turn on the  
external power MOSFET switch.  
Summit Microelectronics, Inc  
2080 2.0 07/21/05  