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SMH4042AGBGM 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: SMH4042AGBGM
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内容描述: 分布式电源热插拔控制器的CompactPCI [Distributed Power Hot-Swap Controller for CompactPCI]
分类和应用: 控制器PC
文件页数/大小: 28 页 / 1819 K
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bit set to “1” it issues an acknowledge and transmits the 8-  
Bit word stored at address location n+1. The current  
address byte Read operation only accesses a single byte  
of data. The Master holds the SDA line high (NACK) and  
generates a Stop condition. At this point the SMH4042A  
discontinues data transmission.  
Sequential Read  
Sequential Reads can be initiated as either a current  
address Read or a random access Read. The first word  
is transmitted as with the other byte Read modes (current  
address byte Read or random address byte Read);  
indicating that it requires additional data from the  
SMH4042A. The SMH4042A continues to output data for  
Random Address Read  
Random address Read operations allow the Master to each Acknowledge received. The Master terminates the  
access any memory location in a random fashion. This sequential Read operation with a NACK and a Stop.  
operation involves a two-step process. First, the Master During a sequential Read operation the internal address  
issues a Write command which includes the Start condi- counter is automatically incremented with each Acknowl-  
tion and the Slave address field (with the R/W bit set to edge signal. For Read operations all address bits are  
Write) followed by the address of the word it is to read. incremented, allowing the entire array to be read using a  
This procedure sets the internal address counter of the  
SMH4042Atothedesiredaddress. Afterthewordaddress  
single Read command. After a count of the last memory  
acknowledge is received by the Master, the Master will continue to output data.  
immediately reissues a Start condition followed by an-  
otherSlaveaddressfieldwiththeR/WbitsettoRead. The  
SMH4042A will respond with an Acknowledge and then  
transmit the 8 data bits stored at the addressed location.  
At this point the Master issues a NACK and generates the  
Stop condition. The SMH4042A discontinues data trans-  
mission and reverts to its standby power mode.  
Data Download  
specifically for the Hot Swap environment. After a power  
on reset the internal address pointer is reset to 00. The  
host or ASIC then only needs to issue a Read command  
and then sequentially clock out data starting at address  
2070 9.1 5/27/03  