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STM8S207C6T3 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: STM8S207C6T3
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内容描述: 性能线, 24兆赫STM8S 8位MCU ,高达128 KB闪存,集成的EEPROM , 10位ADC ,定时器, 2个UART , SPI , I²C , CAN [Performance line, 24 MHz STM8S 8-bit MCU, up to 128 Kbytes Flash, integrated EEPROM,10-bit ADC, timers, 2 UARTs, SPI, I²C, CAN]
分类和应用: 闪存可编程只读存储器电动程控只读存储器电可擦编程只读存储器
文件页数/大小: 103 页 / 1740 K
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STM8S207xx, STM8S208xx  
Table 13. Option byte description (continued)  
Option bytes  
Option byte no.  
LSI_EN: Low speed internal clock enable  
0: LSI clock is not available as CPU clock source  
1: LSI clock is available as CPU clock source  
IWDG_HW: Independent watchdog  
0: IWDG Independent watchdog activated by software  
1: IWDG Independent watchdog activated by hardware  
WWDG_HW: Window watchdog activation  
0: WWDG window watchdog activated by software  
1: WWDG window watchdog activated by hardware  
WWDG_HALT: Window watchdog reset on halt  
0: No reset generated on halt if WWDG active  
1: Reset generated on halt if WWDG active  
EXTCLK: External clock selection  
0: External crystal connected to OSCIN/OSCOUT  
1: External clock signal on OSCIN  
CKAWUSEL: Auto wakeup unit/clock  
0: LSI clock source selected for AWU  
1: HSE clock with prescaler selected as clock source for for AWU  
PRSC[1:0] AWU clock prescaler  
00: 24 MHz to 128 kHz prescaler  
01: 16 MHz to 128 kHz prescaler  
10: 8 MHz to 128 kHz prescaler  
11: 4 MHz to 128 kHz prescaler  
HSECNT[7:0]: HSE crystal oscillator stabilization time  
This configures the stabilisation time.  
0x00: 2048 HSE cycles  
0xB4: 128 HSE cycles  
0xD2: 8 HSE cycles  
0xE1: 0.5 HSE cycles  
WAITSTATE Wait state configuration  
This option configures the number of wait states inserted when reading  
from the Flash/data EEPROM memory.  
1 wait state is required if fCPU > 16 MHz.  
0: No wait state  
1: 1 wait state  
Doc ID 14733 Rev 9  