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STM8S207C6T3 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: STM8S207C6T3
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 性能线, 24兆赫STM8S 8位MCU ,高达128 KB闪存,集成的EEPROM , 10位ADC ,定时器, 2个UART , SPI , I²C , CAN [Performance line, 24 MHz STM8S 8-bit MCU, up to 128 Kbytes Flash, integrated EEPROM,10-bit ADC, timers, 2 UARTs, SPI, I²C, CAN]
分类和应用: 闪存可编程只读存储器电动程控只读存储器电可擦编程只读存储器
文件页数/大小: 103 页 / 1740 K
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Option bytes  
STM8S207xx, STM8S208xx  
Table 13. Option byte description  
Option byte no.  
ROP[7:0] Memory readout protection (ROP)  
0xAA: Enable readout protection (write access via SWIM protocol)  
Note: Refer to the family reference manual (RM0016) section on  
Flash/EEPROM memory readout protection for details.  
UBC[7:0] User boot code area  
0x00: no UBC, no write-protection  
0x01: Pages 0 to 1 defined as UBC, memory write-protected  
0x02: Pages 0 to 3 defined as UBC, memory write-protected  
0x03: Pages 0 to 4 defined as UBC, memory write-protected  
0xFE: Pages 0 to 255 defined as UBC, memory write-protected  
0xFF: Reserved  
Note: Refer to the family reference manual (RM0016) section on  
Flash/EEPROM write protection for more details.  
AFR7Alternate function remapping option 7  
0: Port D4 alternate function = TIM2_CH1  
1: Port D4 alternate function = BEEP  
AFR6 Alternate function remapping option 6  
0: Port B5 alternate function = AIN5, port B4 alternate function = AIN4  
1: Port B5 alternate function = I2C_SDA, port B4 alternate function =  
AFR5 Alternate function remapping option 5  
0: Port B3 alternate function = AIN3, port B2 alternate function = AIN2,  
port B1 alternate function = AIN1, port B0 alternate function = AIN0  
1: Port B3 alternate function = TIM1_ETR, port B2 alternate function =  
TIM1_CH3N, port B1 alternate function = TIM1_CH2N, port B0 alternate  
function = TIM1_CH1N  
AFR4 Alternate function remapping option 4  
0: Port D7 alternate function = TLI  
1: Port D7 alternate function = TIM1_CH4  
AFR3 Alternate function remapping option 3  
0: Port D0 alternate function = TIM3_CH2  
1: Port D0 alternate function = TIM1_BKIN  
AFR2 Alternate function remapping option 2  
0: Port D0 alternate function = TIM3_CH2  
1: Port D0 alternate function = CLK_CCO  
Note: AFR2 option has priority over AFR3 if both are activated  
AFR1 Alternate function remapping option 1  
0: Port A3 alternate function = TIM2_CH3, port D2 alternate function  
1: Port A3 alternate function = TIM3_CH1, port D2 alternate function  
AFR0 Alternate function remapping option 0  
0: Port D3 alternate function = TIM2_CH2  
1: Port D3 alternate function = ADC_ETR  
Doc ID 14733 Rev 9  