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SST26VF032-80-5I-S2E 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: SST26VF032-80-5I-S2E
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内容描述: 四路串行I / O ( SQI )快闪记忆体 [Serial Quad I/O (SQI) Flash Memory]
文件页数/大小: 39 页 / 1252 K
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Serial Quad I/O (SQI) Flash Memory  
SST26VF016 / SST26VF032  
Data Sheet  
Write-Suspend During Sector-Erase or Block-Erase  
Issuing a Write-Suspend instruction during Sector-Erase or Block-Erase allows the host to program or  
read any sector that was not being erased. The device will ignore any programming commands point-  
ing to the suspended sector(s). Any attempt to read from the suspended sector(s) will output unknown  
data because the Sector- or Block-Erase will be incomplete.  
To execute a Write-Suspend operation, the host drives CE# low, sends the Write Suspend command  
cycle (B0H), then drives CE# high. A cycle is two nibbles long, most significant nibble first. The Status  
register indicates that the erase has been suspended by changing the WSE bit from ‘0’ to ‘1,’ but the  
device will not accept another command until it is ready. To determine when the device will accept a  
new command, poll the BUSY bit in the Status register or wait TWS  
Write-Suspend During Page Programming  
Issuing a Write-Suspend instruction during Page Programming allows the host to erase or read any  
sector that is not being programmed. Erase commands pointing to the suspended sector(s) will be  
ignored. Any attempt to read from the suspended page will output unknown data because the program  
will be incomplete.  
To execute a Write Suspend operation, the host drives CE# low, sends the Write Suspend command  
cycle (B0H), then drives CE# high. A cycle is two nibbles long, most significant nibble first. The Status  
register indicates that the programming has been suspended by changing the WSP bit from ‘0’ to ‘1,’  
but the device will not accept another command until it is ready. To determine when the device will  
accept a new command, poll the BUSY bit in the Status register or wait TWS  
Write-Resume restarts a Write command that was suspended, and changes the suspend status bit in  
the Status register (WSE or WSP) back to ‘0’.  
To execute a Write-Resume operation, the host drives CE# low, sends the Write Resume command  
cycle (30H), then drives CE# high. A cycle is two nibbles long, most significant nibble first. To deter-  
mine if the internal, self-timed Write operation completed, poll the BUSY bit in the Status register, or  
wait the specified time TSE, TBE or TPP for Sector-Erase, Block-Erase, or Page-Programming, respec-  
tively. The total write time before suspend and after resume will not exceed the uninterrupted write  
times TSE, TBE or TPP  
Read Security ID  
To execute a Read Security ID (SID) operation, the host drives CE# low, sends the Read Security ID  
command cycle (88H), one address cycle, and then one dummy cycle. Each cycle is two nibbles long,  
most significant nibble first.  
After the dummy cycle, the device outputs data on the falling edge of the SCK signal, starting from the  
specified address location. The data output stream is continuous through all SID addresses until termi-  
nated by a low-to-high transition on CE#. The internal address pointer automatically increments until  
the last SID address is reached, then outputs 00H until CE# goes high.  
©2010 Silicon Storage Technology, Inc.  