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SL23EP08SI-2 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: SL23EP08SI-2
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内容描述: 低抖动和偏斜10到220MHz的零延迟缓冲器( ZDB ) [Low Jitter and Skew 10 to 220MHz Zero Delay Buffer (ZDB)]
文件页数/大小: 18 页 / 174 K
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External Components & Design Considerations  
Typical Application Schematic  
Comments and Recommendations  
Decoupling Capacitor: A decoupling capacitor of 0.1ȝF must be used between VDD and VSS pins. Place the  
capacitor on the component side of the PCB as close to the VDD pin as possible. The PCB trace to the VDD pin and  
to the GND via should be kept as short as possible. Do not use vias between the decoupling capacitor and the VDD  
Series Termination Resistor: A series termination resistor is recommended if the distance between the output  
clocks and the load is over 1 ½ inch. The nominal impedance of the clock outputs is given on the page 5. Place the  
series termination resistors as close to the clock outputs as possible.  
Zero Delay and Skew Control: All outputs and CLKIN pins should be loaded with the same load to achieve “Zero  
Delay” between the CLKIN and the outputs. The CLKOUT pin is connected to CLKIN internally on-chip for feedback  
to PLL. For applications requiring zero input/output delay, the load at the all output pins including the CLKOUT pin  
must be the same. If any delay adjustment is required, the capacitance at the CLKOUT pin could be increased or  
decreased to increase or decrease the delay between Bank A and B clocks and CLKIN. For minimum pin-to-pin  
skew, the external load at all the Bank A and B clocks must be the same.  
Rev 1.4, May 28, 2007  
Page 15 of 18  