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ACX306 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ACX306
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 3.86厘米( 1.5型), NTSC / PAL彩色液晶面板 [3.86cm (1.5 Type) NTSC/PAL Color LCD Panel]
文件页数/大小: 23 页 / 382 K
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Notes on Handling  
(1) Static charge prevention  
Be sure to take the following protective measures. TFT-LCD panels are easily damaged by static charges.  
a) Use non-chargeable gloves, or simply use bare hands.  
b) Use an earth-band when handling.  
c) Do not touch any electrodes of a panel.  
d) Wear non-chargeable clothes and conductive shoes.  
e) Install grounded conductive mats on the working floor and working table.  
f) Keep panels away from any charged materials.  
g) Use ionized air to discharge the panels.  
(2) Protection from dust and dirt  
a) Operate in a clean environment.  
b) When delivered, the panel surface (Polarizer) is not covered by a protective sheet. Take care of handling  
it so as not to damage the polarizer.  
c) Do not touch the polarizer surface. The surface is easily scratched. When cleaning, use a clean-room  
wiper with isopropyl alcohol. Be careful not to leave stains on the surface.  
d) Use ionized air to blow dust off the panel.  
(3) Others  
a) Do not twist or bend the flexible PC board especially at the connecting region because the board is  
easily deformed.  
b) Do not drop the panel.  
c) Do not twist or bend the panel or panel frame.  
d) Keep the panel away from heat sources.  
e) Do not dampen the panel with water or other solvents.  
f) Avoid storage or use the panel at high temperatures or high humidity, as this may result in damage.  
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