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SL74HC4046D 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: SL74HC4046D
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内容描述: 锁相环 [Phase-Locked Loop]
文件页数/大小: 12 页 / 136 K
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see only VCO leading edges, so the comparator output  
Phase Comparator 2  
will stay low, forcing the VCO to fmin  
This detector is a digital memory network. It  
consists of four flip-flops and some gating logic, a  
three state output and a phase pulse output as shown  
in Figure 6. This comparator acts only on the positive  
edges of the input signals and is independent of duty  
Phase comparator 2 is more susceptible to noise,  
causing the PLL to unlock. If a noise pulse is seen on  
the SIG , the comparator treats it as another positive  
edge of the SIG and will cause the output to go high  
until the VCO leding edge is see, potentially for an  
entire SIG period. This would cause the VCO to  
Phase comparator 2 operates in such a way as  
to force the PLL into lock with 0 phase difference  
between the VCO output and the signal input positive  
waveform edges. Figure 8 shows some typical loop  
speed up during that time. When using PC1, the output  
of that phase detector would be disturbed for only the  
short duration of the noise spike and would cause less  
waveforms. First assume that SIG is leading the  
Phase Comparator 3  
COMP . This means that the VCO’ s frequency must  
This is positive edge-triggered sequential  
phase detector using an RS flip-flop as shown in  
Figure 6. When the PLL is using this comparator, the  
loop is controlled by positive signal transitions and  
the duty factors of SIG and COMP are not  
be increased to bring its leding edge into proper phase  
alignment. Thus the phase detector 2 output is set  
high. This will cause the loop filter to charge up the  
VCO input, increasing the VCO frequency. Once the  
leading edge of the COMP is detected, the output  
important. It has some similar characteristics to the  
edge sensitive comparator. To see how this detector  
works, assume input pulses are applied to the SIGNIN  
goes TRI-STATE holding the VCO input at the loop  
filter voltage. If the VCO still lags the SIG then the  
phase detector will again charge up the VCO input for  
the time between the leading edges of both waveforms.  
and COMP ’ s as shown in Figure 9. When the SIGNIN  
leads the COMPIN, the flop is set. This will charge the  
loop filter and cause the VCO to speed up, bringing the  
If the VCO leads the SIG then when the  
leading edge of the VCO is seen; the output of the  
phase comparator goes low. This discharges the loop  
comparator into phase with the SIG . The phase angle  
between SIGIN and COMP varies from 0° to 360° and  
filter until the leading edge of the SIG is detected at  
is 180° at fo. The voltage swing for PC3 is greater than  
for PC2 but consequently has more ripple in the signal  
which time the output disables itself again. This has  
the effect of slowing down the VCO to again make the  
rising edges of both waveforms coincidental.  
to the VCO .When no SIG is present the VCO will be  
forced to fmax as opposed to fmin when PC2 is used.  
The operating characteristics of all three phase  
comparators tors should be compared to the  
requirement of the system design and the appropriate  
one should be used.  
When the PLL is out of lock, the VCO will be  
running either slower or faster than the SIG . If it is  
running slower the phase detector will see more SIG  
rising edges and so the output of the phase  
comparator will be high a majority of the time, raising  
the VCO’ s frequency. Conversely, if the VCO is  
running faster than the SIG , the output of the  
detector will be low most of the time and the VCO’ s  
output frequency will be decreased.  
As one can see, when the PLL is locked, the  
output of phase comparator 2 will be disabled except  
for minor corrections at the leading edge of the  
waveforms. When PC2 is TRI-STATED, the PCP  
output is high. This output can be used to determine  
when the PLL is in the locked condition.  
Figure 8. Typical Waveforms for PLL Using  
Phase Comparator 2  
This detector has several interesting  
characteristics. Over the entire VCO frequency range  
there is no phase difference between the COMPIN and  
the SIG . The lock range of the PLL is the same as the  
capture range. Minimal power was consumed in the  
loop filter since in lock the detector output is a high  
impedance. When no SIGIN is present, the detector will  
Figure 9. Typical Waveforms for PLL Using  
Phase Comparator 3  