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ST2601B 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ST2601B
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 8位微控制器的集成 [8-bit Integrated Microcontroller]
分类和应用: 微控制器
文件页数/大小: 35 页 / 613 K
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<Methods to make up LCD voltage deviation >  
Notice1: In order to cover the variation of VLCD of LCD panel, be sure to reserve pin-option by GPIO to  
change the status of VLCD( bit0:3 of register LREG). Here we suggest that there are at least  
5-level of voltage pin-option for VLCD. If the GPIO is not enough to make pin-option,  
programmer can use key-return-line method for power on pin-option.  
For example: make pin-option for change VLCD at/5.6/5.8/6.0V/6.2V/6.4/…  
Notice2: Programmer should add a contrast controller function to adjust VLCD for the convenience of  
end-user to change the contrast as they like.  
For example: VLCD is pre-set at 6.2 by pin-option, end-users can also adjust the  
contrast/5.8/5.9V/6.0V/6.2V/6.2V/6.3/6.4/by using contrast controller function.  
Notice3: Verifying the performance of voice on ST2602/2604/2608 DEMO boards. Because ST2600B DVB  
can not provide the totally voice efficacy, such like the volume and the quality of voice. So we strongly  
suggest to verify voice playing on ST2602B/ST2608B DEMO boards before MASK.  
(PsBecause LCD SEG pins are shared with external EPROM, so the picture can not be verified on  
DEMO boards.)  
<Vertical Cross talk on LCD display>  
Description: Vertical Cross talk on LCD display  
Solution: Vertical cross talk usually happens when the differential voltage of V0~V4 are not closely. In this case,  
increase C0~C4 (recommend > 1uF) will eliminate this problem. Fine tuning the value of capacitance  
to get the best LCD quality.  