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SI3056DC2-EVB 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: SI3056DC2-EVB
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The capacitive communications link is disabled by  
default. To enable it, the PDL bit (Register 6, bit 4) must  
be cleared. No communication between the system-  
side and line-side can occur until this bit is cleared. The  
clock generator must be programmed to an acceptable  
sample rate before clearing the PDL bit.  
5.3. Power Supplies  
The Si3056 system-side device operates from a 3.0–  
3.6 V power supply. The Si3056 input pins are 5 V  
tolerant. The Si3056 output pins only drive 3.3 V. The  
line-side device derives its power from two sources: The  
Si3056 and the telephone line. The Si3056 supplies  
power over the patented isolation link between the two  
devices, allowing the line-side device to communicate  
with the Si3056 while on-hook and perform other on-  
hook functions such as line voltage monitoring. When  
off-hook, the line-side device also derives power from  
the line current supplied from the telephone line. This  
5.6. Transmit/Receive Full Scale Level  
(Si3019 Line-Side Only)  
The Si3056 supports programmable maximum transmit  
and receive levels. The default signal level supported by  
the Si3056 is 0 dBm into a 600 load. Two additional  
modes of operation offer increased transmit and receive  
level capability to enable use of the DAA in applications  
that require higher signal levels. The full scale mode is  
enabled by setting the FULL bit in Register 31. With  
FULL = 1, the full scale signal level increases to  
+3.2 dBm into a 600 load, or 1 dBV into all reference  
impedances. The enhanced full scale mode (or 2X full  
scale) is enabled by setting the FULL2 bit in Register  
30. Will FULL2 = 1, the full scale signal level increases  
to +6.0 dBm into a 600 load, or 1.5 dBV into all  
reference impedances. The full scale and enhanced full  
scale modes provide the ability to trade off TX power  
and TX distortion for a peak signal. By using the  
programmable digital gain registers in conjunction with  
the enhanced full scale signal level mode, a specific  
power level (+3.2 dBm for example) could be achieved  
across all ACT settings.  
feature is exclusive to DAAs from Silicon Laboratories  
and allows the most cost-effective implementation for a  
DAA while still maintaining robust performance over all  
line conditions.  
5.4. Initialization  
When the Si3056 is powered up, assert the RESET pin.  
When the RESET pin is deasserted, the registers have  
default values. This reset condition guarantees the line-  
side device is powered down without the possibility of  
loading the line (i.e., off-hook). An example initialization  
procedure is outlined in the following list:  
1. Program the PLL with registers 8 and 9 (N[7:0],  
M[7:0]) to the appropriate divider ratios for the  
supplied MCLK frequency and the sample rate in  
register 7 (SRC), as defined in "5.25.Clock  
Generation" on page 36.  
5.7. Parallel Handset Detection  
2. Wait 1 ms until the PLL is locked.  
The Si3056 can detect a parallel handset going off-  
hook. When the Si3056 is off-hook, the loop current can  
be monitored with the LCS bits. A significant drop in  
loop current signals that a parallel handset is going off-  
hook. If a parallel handset causes the LCS bits to read  
all 0s, the Drop-Out Detect (DOD) bit can be checked to  
verify a valid line exists.  
3. Write a 00H into Register 6 to power up the line-side  
4. Set the required line interface parameters (i.e.,  
DCV[1:0], MINI[1:0], ILIM, DCR, ACT and ACT2 or  
ACIM[3:0], OHS, RT, RZ, ATX[2:0] or TGA2 and  
TXG2) as defined by “Country Specific Register  
Settings” shown in Table 15.  
The LVS bits can be read to determine the line voltage  
when on-hook and off-hook. Significant drops in line  
voltage can signal a parallel handset. For the Si3056 to  
operate in parallel with another handset, the parallel  
handset must have a sufficiently high dc termination to  
support two off-hook DAAs on the same line. Improved  
parallel handset operation can be achieved by changing  
the dc impedance from 50 to 800 and reducing the  
DCT pin voltage with the DVC[1:0] bits.  
When this procedure is complete, the Si3056 is ready  
for ring detection and off-hook.  
5.5. Isolation Barrier  
The Si3056 achieves an isolation barrier through low-  
cost, high-voltage capacitors in conjunction with Silicon  
Laboratories proprietary signal processing techniques.  
These techniques eliminate signal degradation from  
capacitor mismatches, common mode interference, or  
noise coupling. As shown in Figure 17 on page 18, the  
C1, C2, C8, and C9 capacitors isolate the Si3056  
(system-side) from the line-side device. Transmit,  
receive, control, ring detect, and caller ID data are  
passed across this barrier. Y2 class capacitors can be  
used to achieve surge performance of 5 kV or greater.  
5.8. Line Voltage/Loop Current Sensing  
The Si3056 can measure loop current and line voltage  
with the Si3010, Si3018, and the Si3019 line-side  
devices. The 8-bit LCS2[7:0] and LCS[4:0] registers  
report loop current. The 8-bit LVS[7:0] register reports  
line voltage.  
Rev. 1.05  