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SAB82525H-V21 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: SAB82525H-V21
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 高层次的串行通信控制器扩展 [High-Level Serial Communication Controller Extended]
分类和应用: 通信控制器
文件页数/大小: 126 页 / 741 K
品牌: SIEMENS [ Siemens Semiconductor Group ]
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SAB 82525  
SAB 82526  
SAF 82525  
SAF 82526  
Transmission of Frames  
The HSCX autonomously transmits S commands and S responses in the auto-mode. Either  
transparent or I-frames can be transmitted by the user. The software timer has to be operated  
in the internal timer mode to transmit I-frames. After the frame has been transmitted, the timer  
is self-started, the XFIFO is inhibited, and the HSCX waits for the arrival of a positive  
acknowledgement. This acknowledgement can be provided by means of an S- or I-frame.  
If no positive acknowledgement is received during time t , the HSCX transmits an S command  
(p = 1), which must be followed by an S response (f = 1). If the S response is omitted, the  
process is performed n1 times before it is terminated.  
Upon the arrival of an acknowledgement or after the completion of this poll procedure the  
XFIFO is enabled and an interrupt is forwarded to the µC. Interrupts may be triggered by the  
message has been acknowledged as positive (XPR interrupt)  
message must be repeated (XMR interrupt)  
response has not been received (TIN interrupt)  
Upon arrival of an RNR frame, the software timer is started and the status of the opposite  
station is polled periodically after expiration of t , until the status "receive ready" has been  
detected. The user is informed accordingly via interrupt. If no response is received after n1  
times an interrupt will be generated (TIN interrupt). As a result, the process will be terminated  
as illustrated in figure 11.  
Note: The internal timer mode should only be used in the auto-mode.  
Transparent frames can be transmitted in all operating modes. After the transmission of a  
transparent frame the XFIFO is immediately enabled, which is confirmed by interrupt (XPR).  
In this case, time monitoring can be performed with the timer in the external timer mode.  
Semiconductor Group  