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RT5035A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: RT5035A
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extend battery operating voltage range. The output  
voltage of CH5 is adjustable by the I2C interface in the  
range of 1.2V to 2V or set by external feedback  
resistors, as expressed in the following equation :  
VNEG Charge Pump  
The Charge pump is to increase the Vgs driving of big  
PMOS in Ch2/3/4/5/10. When BAT < 3.6V and one of  
Ch2/3/4/5/10 turns on, VNEG Charge Pump would turn  
on and start to pump. But when pumping, the BAT  
threshold to turn off and stop charge pump becomes  
3.9V. When pumping, the (BAT VNEG) voltage would  
be clamped at 4.5V. But because of charge pumping  
architecture limitation, most negative level of the VNEG  
is only (BAT). Hence, if BAT < 4.5 / 2 = 2.25V, VNEG  
is limited to (BAT). When VNEG Charge pump is off,  
VNEG is connected internally to GND.  
VOUT_CH5 = (1 + R1 / R2) x VFB5  
where VFB5 is 0.8V typically and suggested value for  
R1 is 100kto 600k.  
CH6 : Generic LDO  
CH6 is a generic low voltage LDO for multiple purpose  
power. The CH6 is a linear regulator, designed to be  
stable over the entire operating load range with the use  
of external ceramic capacitors. CH6 has an ON/OFF  
control which can be set by I2C commands. The output  
voltage of CH6 is adjustable by the I2C interface in the  
range of 1.2V to 3V.  
CH3 : Synchronous Step-Down DC-DC Converter  
CH3 is suitable for core power in DSC system. The  
converter operates in fixed frequency PWM mode with  
integrated MOSFETs, FB resistors and compensation  
network. The CH3 step-down converter can be  
operated at 100% maximum duty cycle to extend  
battery operating voltage range. The output voltage of  
CH3 is adjustable by the I2C interface in the range of  
1V to 1.3V. Besides, the CH3 also can be adjusted  
output voltage if I2C is set to use the external resistor.  
The VOUT can be calculated by the equation as below :  
CH7 : WLED Driver  
CH7 is a WLED driver operates at asynchronous  
step-up mode with an internal MOSFET and internal  
compensation. The LED current is defined by FB7  
voltage and the external resistor between FB7 and  
GND. The FB7 regulation voltage can be set in 32  
steps from 9.2mV to 300mV, typically, via I2C interface.  
The WLED current can be set by the following equation :  
ILED (mA) = [0.3V / REXT] x (DIM7 + 1) / 32  
VOUT_CH3 = (1 + R1 / R2) x VFB3  
Where VFB3 is 0.8V typically and suggested value for  
Where REXT is the current sense resistor from FB7 to  
GND and (DIM7 + 1) / 32 ratio refers to I2C control  
register file. The 0.3V voltage is with ±5% accuracy.  
R1 is 100kto 600k.  
CH4 : Synchronous Step-Down DC-DC Converter  
CH4 is suitable for digital I/O power in DSC system.  
The converter operates in fixed frequency PWM mode  
with integrated internal MOSFETs, FB resistors and  
compensation network. The CH4 step-down converter  
can be operated at 100% maximum duty cycle to  
extend battery operating voltage range. The output  
voltage of CH4 is adjustable by the I2C interface in the  
range of 1.35V to 2.14V.  
The maximum ILED is defined by 0.3V / REXT  
CH8 : Generic LDO  
CH8 is a generic low voltage LDO for multiple purpose  
power. The CH8 is a linear regulator, designed to be  
stable over the entire operating load range with the use  
of external ceramic capacitors. CH8 has an ON/OFF  
control which can be set by I2C commands. The output  
voltage of CH8 is adjustable by the I2C interface in the  
range of 1.5V to 5.2V.  
CH5 : Synchronous Step-Down DC-DC Converter  
CH5 is suitable for CMOS sensor power in DSC system.  
The converter operates in fixed frequency PWM mode  
with integrated internal MOSFETs, FB resistors and  
compensation network. The CH5 step-down converter  
can be operated at 100% maximum duty cycle to  
Copyright © 2020 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved.  
is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.  
DS5035A/B-03 February 2020  