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QT60168-ASG 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: QT60168-ASG
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内容描述: 16日, 24个重点QMATRIX集成电路 [16, 24 KEY QMATRIX ICs]
分类和应用: PC
文件页数/大小: 28 页 / 867 K
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After the PRD interval has expired and the auto- recalibration  
has taken place, the affected key will once again function  
normally. PRD is fixed at 1 second for all keys, and cannot  
be altered.  
5.9 Oscilloscope Sync - SSYNC  
Pin 11 (S_Sync) can output a positive pulse oscilloscope  
sync that brackets the burst of a selected key. More than one  
burst can output a sync pulse as determined by the Setups  
parameter SSYNC for each key.  
5.7 Burst Length - BL  
The SSYNC function does not become effective until the part  
has been reset, or the desired key(s) are recalibrated.  
The signal gain for each key is controlled by circuit  
parameters as well as the burst length.  
This feature is invaluable for diagnostics; without it,  
observing signals clearly on an oscilloscope for a particular  
burst is very difficult.  
The burst length is simply the number of times the  
charge-transfer (‘QT’) process is performed on a given key.  
Each QT process is simply the pulsing of an X line once, with  
a corresponding Y line enabled to capture the resulting  
charge passed through the key’s capacitance Cx.  
This function is supported in Quantum’s QmBtn PC software.  
SSYNC Default value:  
0 (Off)  
QT60xx8 devices use a fixed number of QT cycles which are  
executed in burst mode. There can be up to 64 QT cycles in  
a burst, in accordance with the list of permitted values shown  
in Table 5.3.  
5.10 Mains Sync - MSYNC  
The MSync feature uses the SYNC pin.  
External fields can cause interference leading to false  
detections or sensitivity shifts. Most fields come from AC  
power sources. RFI noise sources are heavily suppressed  
by the low impedance nature of the QT circuitry itself.  
Increasing burst length directly affects key sensitivity. This  
occurs because the accumulation of charge in the charge  
integrator is directly linked to the burst length. The burst  
length of each key can be set individually, allowing for direct  
digital control over the signal gains of each key individually.  
Noise such as from 50Hz or 60Hz fields becomes a problem  
if it is uncorrelated with acquisition signal sampling;  
uncorrelated noise can cause aliasing effects in the key  
signals. To suppress this problem the SYNC input allows  
bursts to synchronize to the noise source.  
Apparent touch sensitivity is also controlled by the Negative  
Threshold level (NTHR). Burst length and NTHR interact;  
normally burst lengths should be kept as short as possible to  
limit RF emissions, but NTHR should be kept above 6 to  
reduce false detections due to external noise. The detection  
integrator mechanism also helps to prevent false detections.  
The noise sync operating mode is set by parameter MSYNC  
in Setups.  
BL Typical values:  
BL Default value:  
BL possible values:  
2, 3 (48, 64 pulses / burst)  
2 (48 pulses / burst)  
16, 32, 48, 64  
The sync occurs only at the burst for the lowest numbered  
enabled key in the matrix; the device waits for the sync  
signal for up to 100ms after the end of a preceding full matrix  
scan, then when a negative sync edge is received, the matrix  
is scanned in its entirety again.  
5.8 Adjacent Key Suppression - AKS  
These devices incorporate adjacent key suppression (‘AKS’ -  
patent pending) that can be selected on a per-key basis.  
AKS permits the suppression of multiple key presses based  
on relative signal strength. This feature assists in solving the  
problem of surface moisture which can bridge a key touch to  
an adjacent key, causing multiple key presses. This feature  
is also useful for panels with tightly spaced keys, where a  
fingertip might inadvertently activate an adjacent key.  
The sync signal drive should be a buffered logic signal, but  
never a raw AC signal from the mains; slow or erratic edges  
on MSYNC can cause the device to sync on the wrong edge,  
or both edges. The device should only sync to the falling  
Since Noise sync is highly effective and inexpensive to  
implement, it is strongly advised to take advantage of it  
anywhere there is a possibility of encountering low frequency  
(i.e. 50/60Hz) electric fields. Quantum’s QmBtn software can  
show such noise effects on signals, and will hence assist in  
determining the need to make use of this feature.  
AKS works for keys that are AKS-enabled anywhere in the  
matrix and is not restricted to physically adjacent keys; the  
device has no knowledge of which keys are actually  
physically adjacent. When enabled for a key, adjacent key  
suppression causes detections on that key to be suppressed  
if any other AKS-enabled key in the panel has a more  
negative signal deviation from its reference.  
If the sync feature is enabled but no sync signal exists, the  
sensor will continue to operate but with a delay of 100ms  
from the end of one scan to the start of the next, and hence  
will have a slow response time. A failed Sync signal (one  
exceeding a 100ms period) will cause an error flag (see  
commands 0x05, 0x06).  
This feature does not account for varying key gains (burst  
length) but ignores the actual negative detection threshold  
setting for the key. If AKS-enabled keys in a panel have  
different sizes, it may be necessary to reduce the gains of  
larger keys relative to smaller ones to equalize the effects of  
AKS. The signal threshold of the larger keys can be altered  
to compensate for this without causing problems with key  
MSYNC Default value:  
MSYNC Possible range:  
0 (Off  
0, 1 (Off, On)  
5.11 Burst Spacing - BS  
The interval of time from the start of one burst to the start of  
the next is known as the burst spacing. This is an alterable  
parameter which affects all keys. The burst spacing can be  
viewed as a scheduled timeslot in which a burst occurs. This  
approach results in an orderly and predictable sequencing of  
key scanning with predictable response times.  
Adjacent key suppression works to augment the natural  
moisture suppression of narrow gated transfer switches  
creating a more robust sensing method.  
AKS Default value:  
0 (Off)  
QT60248-AS R4.02/0405  