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QT60168-ASG 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: QT60168-ASG
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内容描述: 16日, 24个重点QMATRIX集成电路 [16, 24 KEY QMATRIX ICs]
分类和应用: PC
文件页数/大小: 28 页 / 867 K
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5.2 Positive Threshold - PTHR  
5 Setups  
The positive threshold is used to provide a mechanism for  
recalibration of the reference point when a key's signal  
moves abruptly to the positive. This condition is not normal,  
and usually occurs only after a recalibration when an object  
is touching the key and is subsequently removed. The desire  
is normally to recover from these events quickly.  
The devices calibrate and process all signals using a  
number of algorithms specifically designed to provide for  
high survivability in the face of adverse environmental  
challenges. They provide a large number of processing  
options which can be user-selected to implement very  
flexible, robust keypanel solutions.  
Positive hysteresis: PHYST is fixed at 12.5% of the positive  
User-defined Setups are employed to alter these algorithms  
to suit each application. These setups are loaded into the  
device in a block load over the serial interface. The Setups  
are stored in an onboard eeprom array. After a setups block  
load, the device should be reset to allow the new Setups  
parameters to take effect. This reset can be either a  
hardware or software reset.  
threshold value and cannot be altered.  
Positive threshold levels are all fixed at 6 counts of signal  
and cannot be modified.  
5.3 Drift Compensation - NDRIFT, PDRIFT  
Signals can drift because of changes in Cx and Cs over time  
and temperature. It is crucial that such drift be compensated,  
else false detections and sensitivity shifts can occur.  
Refer to Table 5.1, page 22 for a table of all Setups.  
Block length issues: The setups block is 100 bytes long to  
accommodate 24 keys. This can be a burden on smaller host  
controllers with limited memory. In larger quantities the  
devices can be procured with the setups block  
Drift compensation (Figure 5-1) is performed by making the  
reference level track the raw signal at a slow rate, but only  
while there is no detection in effect. The rate of adjustment  
must be performed slowly, otherwise legitimate detections  
could be ignored. The devices drift compensate using a  
slew-rate limited change to the reference level; the threshold  
and hysteresis values are slaved to this reference.  
preprogrammed from Quantum. If the application only  
requires a small number of keys (such as 16) then the  
setups table can be compressed in the host by filling large  
stretches of the Setups area with nulls.  
Many setups employ lookup-table value translation. The  
Setups Block Summary on page 23 shows all translation  
When a finger is sensed, the signal falls since the human  
body acts to absorb charge from the cross-coupling between  
X and Y lines. An isolated, untouched foreign object (a coin,  
or a water film) will cause the signal to rise very slightly due  
to an enhancement of coupling. This is contrary to the way  
most capacitive sensors operate.  
Default Values shown are factory defaults.  
5.1 Negative Threshold - NTHR  
Once a finger is sensed, the drift compensation mechanism  
ceases since the signal is legitimately detecting an object.  
Drift compensation only works when the signal in question  
has not crossed the negative threshold level.  
The negative threshold value is established relative to a  
key’s signal reference value. The threshold is used to  
determine key touch when crossed by a negative-going  
signal swing after having been filtered by the detection  
integrator. Larger absolute values of threshold desensitize  
keys since the signal must travel farther in order to cross the  
threshold level. Conversely, lower thresholds make keys  
more sensitive.  
The drift compensation mechanism can be asymmetric; the  
drift-compensation can be made to occur in one direction  
faster than it does in the other simply by changing the  
NDRIFT Setup parameter. This can be done on a per-key  
As Cx and Cs drift, the reference point drift-compensates for  
these changes at a user-settable rate; the threshold level is  
recomputed whenever the reference point moves, and thus it  
also is drift compensated.  
The PDRIFT parameter is fixed at 0.4 seconds per count of  
reference drift.  
Specifically, drift compensation should be set to compensate  
faster for increasing signals than for decreasing signals.  
Decreasing signals should not be compensated quickly,  
since an approaching finger could be compensated for  
partially or entirely before even touching the touch pad.  
The amount of NTHR required depends on the amount of  
signal swing that occurs when a key is touched. Thicker  
panels or smaller key geometries reduce ‘key gain’, ie signal  
swing from touch, thus requiring smaller NTHR values to  
detect touch.  
The negative threshold is programmed on a  
per-key basis using the Setup process. See table,  
page 23.  
Figure 5-1 Thresholds and Drift Compensation  
Negative hysteresis: NHYST is fixed at 12.5% of  
the negative threshold value and cannot be  
Typical values:  
3 to 8  
(7 to 12 counts of threshold; 4 is internally  
added to NTHR to generate the threshold).  
Default value:  
(10 counts of threshold)  
QT60248-AS R4.02/0405  