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LNK500P-TL 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: LNK500P-TL
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内容描述: 高效节能, CV或CV / CC切换为非常低的成本适配器和充电器 [Energy Efficient, CV or CV/CC Switcher for Very Low Cost Adapters and Chargers]
文件页数/大小: 20 页 / 503 K
品牌: POWERINT [ Power Integrations ]
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voltage and 25% for current limit for overall variation in high  
volume manufacturing. This includes device and transformer  
tolerances and line variation. Lower power designs may have  
poorer constant current linearity.  
time during start-up for the output voltage to reach regulation.  
Any capacitor type is acceptable with a voltage rating of 10 V  
or above.  
Feedback Resistor – R1  
As the output load reduces from the peak power point, the  
output voltage will tend to rise due to tracking errors compared  
to the load terminals. Sources of these errors include the output  
which is the dominant cause. As the load reduces, the primary  
operating peak current reduces, together with the leakage  
inductance energy, which reduces the peak charging of the  
clamp capacitor. With a primary leakage inductance of 50 µH,  
the output voltage typically rises 30% over a 100% to 5% load  
The value of R1 is selected to give a feedback current into the  
CONTROL pin of approximately 2.3 mA at the peak output  
power point of the supply. The actual value depends on the VOR  
selected during design. Any 0.25 W resistor is suitable.  
Output Diode – D2  
Either PN fast, PN ultra-fast or Schottky diodes can be used  
depending on the efficiency target for the supply, Schottky  
diodes giving higher efficiency then PN diodes. The diode  
voltage rating should be sufficient to withstand the output  
voltage plus the input voltage transformed through the turns  
ratio (a typical VOR of 50 V requires a diode PIV of 50 V).  
Slow recovery diodes are not recommended (1N400X types).  
At very light or no-load, typically less than 2 mA of output  
current, the output voltage rises due to leakage inductance peak  
Output Capacitor – C4  
Capacitor C4 should be selected such that its voltage and ripple  
current specifications are not exceeded.  
The output voltage load variation can be improved across the  
whole load range by adding an optocoupler and secondary  
reference (Figure 6). The secondary reference is designed to  
only provide feedback above the normal peak power point  
voltage to maintain the correct constant current characteristic.  
LinkSwitch Layout considerations  
Primary Side Connections  
Since the SOURCE pins in a LinkSwitch supply are switching  
nodes, the copper area connected to SOURCE together with  
C1, C2 and R1 (Figure 5) should be minimized, within the  
thermal contraints of the design, to reduce EMI coupling.  
Component Selection  
The schematic shown in Figure 5 outlines the key components  
needed for a LinkSwitch supply.  
The CONTROL pin capacitor C1 should be located as close as  
possible to the SOURCE and CONTROL pins.  
Clamp diode – D1  
Diode D1 should be either a fast (trr <250 ns) or ultra-fast type  
(trr <50 ns), with a voltage rating of 600 V or higher. Fast  
recovery types are preferred, being typically lower cost. Slow  
diodes are not recommended; they can allow excessive DRAIN  
ringing and the LinkSwitch to be reverse biased.  
To minimize EMI coupling from the switching nodes on the  
primary to both the secondary and AC input, the LinkSwitch  
and AC input.  
Clamp Capacitor – C2  
Routing the primary return trace from the transformer primary  
around LinkSwitch and associated components further reduces  
Capacitor C2 should be a 0.1 µF, 100 V capacitor. Low cost  
metallized plastic film types are recommended. The tolerance  
of this part has a very minor effect on the output characteristic  
so any of the standard 5%, 10% or 20% tolerances are  
acceptable. Ceramic capacitors are not recommended. The  
common dielectrics used such as Y5U or Z5U are not stable  
with voltage or temperature and may cause output instability.  
Ceramic capacitors with high stability dielectrics may be used  
but are expensive compared to metallized film types.  
Y capacitor  
If a Y capacitor is required, it should be connected close to the  
transformer secondary output return pin(s) and the primary  
bulk capacitor negative return. Such placement will maximize  
the EMI benefit of the Y capacitor and avoid problems in  
common-mode surge testing.  
CONTROL Pin Capacitor – C1  
Capacitor C1 is used during start-up to power LinkSwitch and  
setstheAuto-Restartfrequency. Fordesignsthathaveabattery  
load this component should have a value of 0.22 µF and for  
resistive loads a value of 1 µF. This ensures there is sufficient  