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LCS700HG 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: LCS700HG
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内容描述: 集成LLC控制器,高压功率MOSFET和驱动程序 [Integrated LLC Controller, High-Voltage Power MOSFETs and Drivers]
分类和应用: 高压驱动控制器
文件页数/大小: 26 页 / 2760 K
品牌: POWERINT [ Power Integrations ]
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It should be noted that the 4.7 nF decoupling capacitor, CFB  
(see Figure 19), in conjunction with the 2.5 kW input resistance  
presented by the FEEDBACK pin, form a pole in the LLC  
transfer function. This can add significant phase lag to the  
feedback loop. A typical value for a 250 kHz design with a  
3 kHz crossover frequency is 4.7 nF. To prevent loop instability,  
the value of the 4.7 nF capacitor should not be increased  
arbitrarily. At the other extreme, insufficient FEEDBACK pin  
bypass capacitance or poor layout may cause duty cycle  
Primary Current  
Start-Up and Auto-Restart  
Output Voltage  
At start-up and during the off-state of the auto-restart cycle, the  
FEEDBACK pin is internally pulled up to the VREF pin. This  
keeps the output MOSFETs off and discharges the soft-start  
capacitor, in preparation for soft-start.  
Time (ms)  
At start-up, this state remains for 1024 clock cycles at frequency  
fMAX. During the off-state of auto-restart, or if the OV/UV or IS pin  
is triggered while the VCC remains above its UVLO threshold, this  
state remains for 131,072 clock cycles.  
Figure 22. Typical Start-up Waveform. Observe Initial Current Spike ‘A’ to Ensure  
it is Below the 1-Cycle Current Limit. A Higher fMAX Reduces it. Size  
the Soft-Start Capacitor so that the Peak of ‘B’ is just Below the Peak  
Current at VBROWNOUT at Full Load.  
After 1024 or 131,072 cycles (as the case may be), the HiperLCS  
turns off the internal pull-up transistor, the soft-start capacitor  
begins to charge, the output MOSFETs switch at fMAX, current in  
the FEEDBACK pin diminishes, the frequency begins to drop,  
and the PSU output rises.  
IS Pin  
The IS pin has 2 thresholds: nominally 0.5 V and 0.9 V. The IS  
pin can tolerate small negative voltages and currents, and thus  
does not need a peak detector or rectifier circuit. The pin has a  
reverse-biased diode to ground equivalent circuit, and can  
tolerate a maximum negative current of 5 mA. The primary  
current is sampled by a primary, B- referenced current sense  
resistor, or by a capacitor current divider + current sense resistor  
combination circuit. In order to limit the negative current to 5 mA,  
a current limiting resistor between the sense resistor and the IS  
pin is necessary, with a minimum value of 220 W. Using the  
minimum value maximizes the IS pin bypass capacitor value  
and thus pin noise rejection, for a given RC pole frequency.  
The IS pin will invoke a restart if it sees 7 consecutive pulses  
>0.5 V. It will also invoke a restart if a single pulse exceeds 0.9 V.  
The minimum pulse detection time is nominally 30 ns – i.e. the  
pulses must be higher than the threshold voltage for >30 ns.  
For example, for fMAX = 800 kHz, the start-up delay after VCC  
power-up is 1.3 ms. If IS, or the OV/UV pin are tripped, auto-  
restart is invoked, with a restart delay of 164 ms.  
The FEEDBACK pin has a current limit equal to the current  
flowing into the DT/BF pin. This limits the maximum current that  
charges the soft-start capacitor at start-up. If RSTART is smaller  
than that which allows the FEEDBACK pin current to match the  
DT/BF pin current at start-up, an additional delay is introduced.  
CSTART will charge at the current limit, and switching will only  
commence when the FEEDBACK pin voltage drops below 2.0 V.  
Thus the designer can add an additional start-up delay if desired.  
As the soft-start capacitor continues to charge, the current  
through RSTART and thus the FEEDBACK pin decreases, reducing  
switching frequency. The output voltage climbs; and when the  
feedback loop closes, the optocoupler conducts and starts  
controlling the switching frequency thus the output voltage.  
The “capacitive divider” circuit in Figure 23 reduces power  
dissipation and improves efficiency over a simple current sense  
resistor circuit. The two capacitors, main resonant capacitor  
C11, and sense capacitor C12, form a current divider. The  
portion of the primary current routed through C12 is  
C11 + C12  
Remote-off can be invoked by pulling down the OV/UV pin to  
ground, or by pulling up the IS pin to >0.9 V. Both will invoke a  
131,072 cycle restart cycle. VCC can also be pulled down to shut  
the device off, but when it is pulled up, the FEEDBACK pin is  
pulled up to the VREF pin to discharge the soft-start capacitor for  
only 1024 fMAX clock cycles. If this scheme is used, the designer  
must ensure that the time the VCC is pulled down, plus 1024  
cycles, is sufficient to discharge the soft-start capacitor, or if not,  
that the resulting lower starting frequency is high enough so as  
not to cause excessive primary currents that may cause the  
over-current protection to trip.  
Consequently, the voltage at the IS pin is equal to  
C11 + C12  
where IP is the primary current flowing from the HB pin through  
the transformer primary. The current in the sense capacitor  
passes through sense resistor R11. Resistor R11 is the main  
means for tuning current limit. The signal on R11, an AC  
voltage, passes through low-pass filter R12 and C7, to the IS  
pin. Note that R11 is returned to the GROUND pin and not to  
SOURCE pin.  
Rev. B 062011  