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DER-94 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: DER-94
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内容描述: 46 W电源使用TOP246Y [46 W Power Supply using TOP246Y]
文件页数/大小: 34 页 / 596 K
品牌: POWERINT [ Power Integrations ]
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LCD Monitor Internal Supply  
September 12, 2005  
11.3 Ripple with 12 V Burst Load  
Figure 25 – Burst Load Ripple, 90 VAC, 2 ms / div  
Top Trace: 5 V Ripple, 50 mV / div Second Trace:  
12 V Ripple, 50 mV / div Third Trace: 12 V Load  
Current, 2 A / div Fourth Trace: 5 V Ripple,  
Expanded View, 50 mV / div Fifth Trace: 12 V  
Ripple, Expanded View, 50 mV / div Bottom Trace:  
12 V Load Current, Expanded View, 2 A / div  
Figure 26 – Burst Mode Ripple, 90 VAC, 2ms/div  
Top Trace: 5 V Ripple, 50 mV / div, Middle Trace:  
12 V Ripple, 50 mV / div, Bottom Trace: 12 V Load  
Current, 2 A / div  
Figure 27 Burst Mode Ripple, 265 VAC, 2 ms / div  
Top Trace: 5 V Ripple, 50 mV / div, Middle Trace:  
12 V Ripple, 50 mV / div, Bottom Trace: 12 V Load  
Current, 2A/div  
The three figures above (Figures 25-27) show the effects of a 12 V burst load on the 5 V  
and 12 V output ripple. The 12 V load was switched from 0 A to 2 A using a MOSFET  
switch and resistive load. The load switching frequency was ~770 kHz, with a burst of 5  
switching cycles repeated at a rate of one burst every 4 milliseconds.  
Power Integrations  
Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201  
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