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PM7347-BI 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PM7347-BI
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内容描述: SATURN用户网络接口的J2 / E3 / T3 [SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE for J2/E3/T3]
分类和应用: 网络接口
文件页数/大小: 341 页 / 1733 K
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S/UNI®-JET Data Sheet  
Maintaining the transmit FIFO read and write pointers.  
Detecting a FIFO overrun condition.  
The FIFO interface is “UTOPIA Level 2” compliant and accepts a write clock (TFCLK), a write  
enable signal (TENB), the start of a cell (TSOC) indication, and the parity bit (TPRTY), and the  
ATM device address (TADR[4:0]) when data is written to the transmit FIFO (using the rising  
edges of TFCLK). The interface provides the transmit cell available status (TCA and  
DTCA[4:1]), which can transition from "available" to "unavailable" when the transmit FIFO is  
near full (when TCALEVEL0 is logic zero) or when the FIFO is full (when TCALEVEL0 is logic  
one) and can accept no more writes. To reduce FIFO latency, the FIFO depth at which TCA and  
DTCA[x] indicates "full" can be set to one, two, three, or four cells by the FIFODP[1:0] bits of  
TXCP-50 Configuration 2 Register. If the programmed depth is less than four, more than one cell  
may be written after TCA or DTCA[x] is asserted as the TXCP-50 still allows four cells to be  
stored in its FIFO. This interface also indicates FIFO overruns via a maskable interrupt and  
register bit, but write accesses while TCA or DTCA[x] is logic zero are not processed. The TXFF  
automatically transmits idle cells until a full cell is available to be transmitted.  
10.21 TTB Trail Trace Buffer  
The Trail Trace Buffer (TTB) extracts and sources the trail trace message carried in the TR byte  
of the G.832 E3 stream. The message is used by the OS to prevent delivery of traffic from the  
wrong source and is 16 bytes in length.  
The 16-byte message is framed by the PTI Multiframe Alignment Signal (TMFAS = 'b10000000  
00000000). One bit of the TMFAS is placed in the most significant bit of each message byte. In  
the receive direction, the trail trace message is extracted from the serial overhead stream output  
by the E3-FRMR. The extracted message is stored in the internal RAM for review by an external  
microprocessor. By default, the TTB will write the byte of a 16-byte message with its most  
significant bit set high to the first location in the RAM. The extracted trail trace message is  
checked for consistency between consecutive multiframes. A message received unchanged three  
or five times (programmable) is accepted for comparison with the copy previously written into  
the internal RAM by the external microprocessor. Alarms are raised to indicate reception of  
unstable and mismatched messages. In the transmit direction, the TTB sources the trail trace  
message from the internal RAM for insertion into the TR byte by the E3-TRAN.  
The TTB also extracts the Payload Type label carried in the MA byte of the G.832 E3 stream. The  
label is used to ensure that the adaptation function at the trail termination sink is compatible with  
the adaptation function at the trail termination source. The Payload Type label is check for  
consistency between consecutive multiframes. A Payload Type label received unchanged for five  
frames is accepted for comparison with the copy previously written into the TTB by the external  
microprocessor. Alarms are raised to indicate reception of unstable and mismatched Payload Type  
label bits.  
10.22 JTAG Test Access Port  
The JTAG Test Access Port block provides JTAG support for boundary scan. The standard JTAG  
EXTEST, SAMPLE, BYPASS, IDCODE, and STCTEST instructions are supported.  
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use  
Document ID: PMC-1990267, Issue 3  