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PM4351-NI 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PM4351-NI
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 联合E1 / T1收发器 [COMBINED E1/T1 TRANSCEIVER]
分类和应用: 数字传输控制器电信集成电路电信电路PC
文件页数/大小: 485 页 / 3011 K
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PM4351 COMET  
ISSUE 10  
CAS multiframe alignment is also declared if basic frame alignment has been  
National Bit Extraction  
The E1-FRMR extracts and assembles the submultiframe-aligned National bit  
codewords Sa4[1:4] , Sa5[1:4] , Sa6[1:4] , Sa7[1:4] and Sa8[1:4]. The  
corresponding register values are updated upon generation of the CRC  
submultiframe interrupt.  
This E1-FRMR also detects the V5.2 link ID signal, which is defined as the  
condition where 2 out of 3 Sa7 bits are zeroes. Upon reception of this Link ID  
signal, the V52LINKV bit of the E1-FRMR Framing Status register is set to  
logic 1. This bit is cleared to logic 0 when 2 out of 3 Sa7 bits are ones.  
Alarm Integration  
The OOF and the AIS defects are integrated, verifying that each condition has  
persisted for 104 ms (± 6 ms) before indicating the alarm condition. The alarm is  
removed when the condition has been absent for 104 ms (± 6 ms).  
The AIS alarm algorithm accumulates the occurrences of AISD (AIS detection).  
The E1-FRMR counts the occurrences of AISD over a 4 ms interval and  
indicates a valid AIS is present when 13 or more AISD indications (of a possible  
16) have been received. Each interval with a valid AIS presence indication  
increments an interval counter which declares AIS Alarm when 25 valid intervals  
have been accumulated. An interval with no valid AIS presence indication  
decrements the interval counter. The AIS Alarm declaration is removed when the  
counter reaches 0. This algorithm provides a 99.8% probability of declaring an  
AIS Alarm within 104 ms in the presence of a 10 mean bit error rate.  
The Red alarm algorithm monitors occurrences of OOF over a 4 ms interval,  
indicating a valid OOF interval when one or more OOF indications occurred  
during the interval, and indicating a valid in frame (INF) interval when no OOF  
indication occurred for the entire interval. Each interval with a valid OOF  
indication increments an interval counter which declares Red Alarm when 25  
valid intervals have been accumulated. An interval with valid INF indication  
decrements the interval counter; the Red Alarm declaration is removed when the  
counter reaches 0. This algorithm biases OOF occurrences, leading to  
declaration of Red alarm when intermittent loss of frame alignment occurs.  