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POE125U-4AT-N-R 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: POE125U-4AT-N-R
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内容描述: 飞宏中跨POE用TCPIP ( SNMP v2c版本) [Phihong Midspan POE with TCPIP (SNMPv2c)]
文件页数/大小: 45 页 / 1911 K
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4.4.3 Test for Phihong Midspan SNMP Agent  
1. Expand the MIB menu as shown below and locate the <Phihong> node, then continue to expand  
to the 4 sub-nodes: product, snmp, network and control as shown in Fig. 28.  
Figure 29: Phihong Midspan MIB Tree  
2. Highlight the <phihong> node and click the SNMP menu then Walk. It will display all readable  
Control values.  
3. ToeditavalueforwriteableControls:hostname, username, password, restore, portxCtr, enableAll,  
and inhibitAll; highlight the individual control, then use Set under the SNMP menu to give each  
control a value. Please refer to Phihong’s Midspan MIB table for the list of assigned values. After  
entering the control value, click on the “Set Value” icon in the upper left-hand corner (Set –xxxxxx.0  
window) to validate the WRITE.  
Phihong USA Corporation • 47800 Fremont Blvd. Fremont, CA 94538 • Tel: 1.510.445.0100 Fax: 1.510.445.1678  
www.phihong.com or www.midspans.com  