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POE125U-4AT-N-R 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: POE125U-4AT-N-R
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内容描述: 飞宏中跨POE用TCPIP ( SNMP v2c版本) [Phihong Midspan POE with TCPIP (SNMPv2c)]
文件页数/大小: 45 页 / 1911 K
 浏览型号POE125U-4AT-N-R的Datasheet PDF文件第29页浏览型号POE125U-4AT-N-R的Datasheet PDF文件第30页浏览型号POE125U-4AT-N-R的Datasheet PDF文件第31页浏览型号POE125U-4AT-N-R的Datasheet PDF文件第32页浏览型号POE125U-4AT-N-R的Datasheet PDF文件第34页浏览型号POE125U-4AT-N-R的Datasheet PDF文件第35页浏览型号POE125U-4AT-N-R的Datasheet PDF文件第36页浏览型号POE125U-4AT-N-R的Datasheet PDF文件第37页  
Using MG-SOFT MIB Browser to run Phihong Midspan  
As an example, we have detailed instructions on how to operate a Phihong Midspan using the MG-  
SOFT MIB browser. These instructions do not apply to all MIB browsers, please see instructions for  
your specific browser if you don’t want to use this software.  
4.4.1 Generate Phihong-POE-MIB module  
It is assumed that MG-Soft MIB browser is already installed on your PC. For detailed operation  
information, users can get help by choosing from the menu Help » User Manual when the MG-SOFT  
MIB Browser is opened.  
1. Open the MIB Browser and click the Continue button on the Welcome popup window. A Tip  
of the Day window may pop-up for certain options in this browser. Users may choose to click  
the little box in the lower left hand corner to stop these pop-ups.  
2. Click the MIB tab; remove any MIB modules in the “Loaded MIB modules” by highlighting and  
double clicking them.  
3. Under the Action menu - open Run MIB Compiler.  
4. In the MG-SOFT MIB Compiler window, click File then Compile…… then in the Open window,  
browse for and open PHIHONG-POE-MIB.txt (users can get SNMP MIB rev 10/30/09 from the  
support section on either www.phihong.com or www.midspans.com).  
5. If compiling is successful, a Compiled MIB Modules window will be displayed. Click Save All  
and click OK on the Browse for Folder window.  
6. Close the MG-SOFT MIB Compiler window.  
7. In the MG-SOFT MIB Browser window, click the circular arrow button (the middle one of 5  
buttons right below the Loaded MIB modules window). This will update the MIB Browser  
windows’ contents (including the newly compiled MIB module Phihong-POE-MIB).  
8. In the lower window, click the tab MIB Modules. Locate the module < Phihong-POE-MIB >.  
Highlighting and double clicking it will load it into the upper Loaded MIB modules window.  
9. Also locate <RFC1213-MIB> and <SNMPv2-MIB>, load them into the upper Loaded MIB  
modules window.  
10.Now the setup for Phihong’s Midspan SNMP interface is complete.  
Phihong USA Corporation • 47800 Fremont Blvd. Fremont, CA 94538 • Tel: 1.510.445.0100 Fax: 1.510.445.1678  
www.phihong.com or www.midspans.com  