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3G3EV-AB007M-CUE 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 3G3EV-AB007M-CUE
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内容描述: [EC Directives Models)]
文件页数/大小: 51 页 / 373 K
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Chapter 3  
D Do Not Use an Electromagnetic Switch  
Do not connect an electromagnetic switch or magnetic contactor to the output circuit. If a load is con-  
nected to the Inverter during operation, an inrush current will actuate the overcurrent protective circuit in  
the Inverter.  
D Installing a Thermal Relay  
This Inverter has an electronic thermal protection function to protect the motor from overheating. If,  
however, more than one motor is operated with one Inverter or a multipolar motor is used, always install  
a thermal relay (THR) between the Inverter and the motor and set to “0.0” (no thermal protection) for  
constant No. 31 (“THR” indicator).  
In this case, program the sequence so that the magnetic contactor on the input side of the main circuit is  
turned off by the contact of the thermal relay.  
D Installing a Noise Filter on the Output Side  
Connect a Noise Filter to the output side of the Inverter to reduce radio noise and induction noise.  
Noise Filter  
Power supply  
Induction noise  
Radio noise  
Signal line  
AM radio  
Induction Noise:  
Radio Noise:  
Electromagnetic induction generates noise on the signal line, causing the control-  
ler to malfunction.  
Electromagnetic waves from the Inverter and cables cause the broadcasting radio  
receiver to make noise.  
D How to Prevent Radio Noise  
Radio noise is generated from the Inverter as well as the input and output lines. To reduce radio noise,  
install Noise Filters on both input and output sides, and also install the Inverter in a totally enclosed steel  