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M58LT256JST 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: M58LT256JST
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 256兆位( Mb的16 】 16 ,多银行,多层次,突发) 1.8 V电源供电,安全闪存 [256 Mbit (16 Mb 】 16, multiple bank, multilevel, burst) 1.8 V supply, secure Flash memories]
分类和应用: 闪存
文件页数/大小: 108 页 / 1965 K
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M58LT256JST, M58LT256JSB  
Command interface  
Program command  
The program command is used to program a single word to the memory array.  
If the block being programmed is protected, then the program operation aborts, the data in  
the block is not changed, and the Status Register outputs the error.  
Two bus write cycles are required to issue the Program command.  
The first bus cycle sets up the Program command.  
The second latches the address and data to be programmed and starts the  
Program/Erase Controller.  
Once the programming has started, read operations in the bank being programmed output  
the Status Register content.  
During a program operation, the bank containing the word being programmed only accepts  
the Read Array, Read Status Register, Read Electronic Signature, Read CFI Query and the  
Program/Erase Suspend commands, and all other commands are ignored. A Read Array  
command is required to return the bank to read array mode.  
Refer to Section 8 for detailed information about simultaneous operations allowed in banks  
not being programmed.  
Typical program times are given in Table 16: Program/erase times and endurance cycles .  
The program operation aborts if Reset, RP, goes to V . As data integrity cannot be  
guaranteed when the program operation is aborted, the word must be reprogrammed.  
See Appendix C, Figure 19: Program flowchart and pseudocode for the flowchart for using  
the Program command.  