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LMV358M 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: LMV358M
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内容描述: 通用型,低电压,轨到轨输出运算放大器 [General Purpose, Low Voltage, Rail-to-Rail Output Operational Amplifiers]
分类和应用: 运算放大器
文件页数/大小: 27 页 / 1142 K
品牌: NSC [ National Semiconductor ]
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An adjustment to the scaling may be made in order to have  
realistic values for resistors and capacitors. The actual value  
used for each component is shown in the circuit.  
Application Notes (Continued)  
For minimum dc offset, V+ = V, the resistor values at both  
inverting and non-inverting inputs should be equal, which  
4.4.3 2nd-order High Pass Filter  
A 2nd-order high pass filter can be built by simply inter-  
changing those frequency selective components (R1, R  
C1, C2) in the Sallen-Key 2nd-order active low pass filter. As  
shown in Figure 14, resistors become capacitors, and ca-  
pacitors become resistors. The resulted high pass filter has  
the same corner frequency and the same maximum gain as  
the previous 2nd-order low pass filter if the same compo-  
nents are chosen.  
From Equation (1) and Equation (8), we obtain  
The values of C1 and C2 are normally close to or equal to  
As a design example:  
Require: ALP = 2, Q = 1, fc = 1KHz  
Start by selecting C1 and C2. Choose a standard value that  
is close to  
FIGURE 14. Sallen-Key 2nd-Order Active High-Pass  
From Equations (6), (7), (9), (10),  
R1= 1Ω  
R2= 1Ω  
R3= 4Ω  
R4= 4Ω  
4.4.4 State Variable Filter  
A state variable filter requires three op amps. One conve-  
nient way to build state variable filters is with a quad op amp,  
such as the LMV324 (Figure 15).  
The above resistor values are normalized values with ωn =  
1rad/s and C1 = C2 = Cn = 1F. To scale the normalized cut-off  
frequency and resistances to the real values, two scaling  
factors are introduced, frequency scaling factor (kf) and im-  
pedance scaling factor (km).  
This circuit can simultaneously represent a low-pass filter,  
high-pass filter, and bandpass filter at three different outputs.  
The equations for these functions are listed below. It is also  
called "Bi-Quad" active filter as it can produce a transfer  
function which is quadratic in both numerator and  
Scaled values:  
R2 = R1 = 15.9 kΩ  
R3 = R4 = 63.6 kΩ  
C1 = C2 = 0.01 µF  