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LMV358M 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: LMV358M
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内容描述: 通用型,低电压,轨到轨输出运算放大器 [General Purpose, Low Voltage, Rail-to-Rail Output Operational Amplifiers]
分类和应用: 运算放大器
文件页数/大小: 27 页 / 1142 K
品牌: NSC [ National Semiconductor ]
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4.3 Single-Supply Inverting Amplifier  
Application Notes (Continued)  
There may be cases where the input signal going into the  
amplifier is negative. Because the amplifier is operating in  
single supply voltage, a voltage divider using R3 and R4 is  
implemented to bias the amplifier so the input signal is within  
the input common-mode voltage range of the amplifier. The  
capacitor C1 is placed between the inverting input and resis-  
tor R1 to block the DC signal going into the AC signal source,  
VIN. The values of R1 and C1 affect the cutoff frequency, fc =  
4.2.1 Three-Op-Amp Instrumentation Amplifier  
The quad LMV324 can be used to build a three-op-amp  
instrumentation amplifier as shown in Figure 8.  
As a result, the output signal is centered around mid-supply  
(if the voltage divider provides V+/2 at the non-inverting  
input). The output can swing to both rails, maximizing the  
signal-to-noise ratio in a low voltage system.  
FIGURE 8. Three-op-amp Instrumentation Amplifier  
The first stage of this instrumentation amplifier is a  
differential-input, differential-output amplifier, with two volt-  
age followers. These two voltage followers assure that the  
input impedance is over 100 M. The gain of this instrumen-  
tation amplifier is set by the ratio of R2/R1. R3 should equal  
R1, and R4 equal R2. Matching of R3 to R1 and R4 to R2  
affects the CMRR. For good CMRR over temperature, low  
drift resistors should be used. Making R4 slightly smaller  
than R2 and adding a trim pot equal to twice the difference  
between R2 and R4 will allow the CMRR to be adjusted for  
FIGURE 10. Single-Supply Inverting Amplifier  
4.2.2 Two-op-amp Instrumentation Amplifier  
4.4.1 Simple Low-Pass Active Filter  
A two-op-amp instrumentation amplifier can also be used to  
make a high-input-impedance dc differential amplifier (Fig-  
ure 9) . As in the three-op-amp circuit, this instrumentation  
amplifier requires precise resistor matching for good CMRR.  
R4 should equal to R1 and R3 should equal R2.  
The simple low-pass filter is shown in Figure 11. Its low-  
frequency gain (ω  
0) is defined by -R3/R1. This allows  
low-frequency gains other than unity to be obtained. The  
filter has a -20dB/decade roll-off after its corner frequency fc.  
R2 should be chosen equal to the parallel combination of R1  
and R3 to minimize errors due to bias current. The frequency  
response of the filter is shown in Figure 12.  
FIGURE 9. Two-Op-amp Instrumentation Amplifier  