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COP8AME9EMW8 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

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内容描述: 8位CMOS闪存微控制器,具有8K内存,双通道运算放大器,虚拟EEROM ,温度传感器, 10位A / D和掉电复位 [8-Bit CMOS Flash Microcontroller with 8k Memory, Dual Op Amps, Virtual EEROM, Temperature Sensor,10-Bit A/D and Brownout Reset]
分类和应用: 闪存传感器温度传感器微控制器和处理器外围集成电路运算放大器光电二极管时钟
文件页数/大小: 83 页 / 908 K
品牌: NSC [ National Semiconductor ]
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normally. If, however, VCC drops below Vbor, an internal reset  
is generated, and the Idle Timer is preset with 00Fx. The  
device now waits until VCC is greater than Vbor and the  
countdown starts over. The functional operation of the device  
is guaranteed down to the Vbor level.  
10.0 Functional Description  
WATCHDOG (if enabled):  
The device comes out of reset with both the WATCHDOG  
logic and the Clock Monitor detector armed, with the  
WATCHDOG service window bits set and the Clock Moni-  
tor bit set. The WATCHDOG and Clock Monitor circuits  
are inhibited during reset. The WATCHDOG service win-  
dow bits being initialized high default to the maximum  
WATCHDOG service window of 64k T0 clock cycles. The  
Clock Monitor bit being initialized high will cause a Clock  
Monitor error following reset if the clock has not reached  
the minimum specified frequency at the termination of  
reset. A Clock Monitor error will cause an active low error  
output on pin G1. This error output will continue until  
16–32 T0 clock cycles following the clock frequency  
reaching the minimum specified value, at which time the  
G1 output will go high.  
One exception to the above is that the brownout circuit will  
insert a delay of approximately 3 ms on power up or any time  
the VCC drops below a voltage of about 1.8V. The device will  
be held in Reset for the duration of this delay before the Idle  
Timer starts counting the 240 to 256 tC. This delay starts as  
soon as the VCC rises above the trigger voltage (approxi-  
mately 1.8V). This behavior is shown in Figure 9.  
In Case 1, VCC rises from 0V and the on-chip RESET is  
undefined until the supply is greater than approximately  
1.0V. At this time the brownout circuit becomes active and  
holds the device in RESET. As the supply passes a level of  
about 1.8V, a delay of about 3 ms (td) is started and the Idle  
Timer is preset to a value between 00F0 and 00FF (hex).  
Once VCC is greater than Vbor and td has expired, the Idle  
Timer is allowed to count down (tid).  
10.7.1 External Reset  
Case 2 shows a subsequent dip in the supply voltage which  
goes below the approximate 1.8V level. As VCC drops below  
Vbor, the internal RESET signal is asserted. When VCC rises  
back above the 1.8V level, td is started. Since the power  
supply rise time is longer for this case, td has expired before  
VCC rises above Vbor and tid starts immediately when VCC is  
The RESET input, when pulled low, initializes the device.  
The RESET pin must be held low for a minimum of one  
instruction cycle to guarantee a valid reset.  
RESET may also be used to cause an exit from the HALT  
greater than Vbor  
A recommended reset circuit for this device is shown in  
Case 3 shows a dip in the supply where VCC drops below  
Vbor, but not below 1.8V. On-chip RESET is asserted when  
VCC goes below Vbor and tid starts as soon as the supply  
Figure 8.  
goes back above Vbor  
The internal reset will not be turned off until the Idle Timer  
underflows. The internal reset will perform the same func-  
tions as external reset. The device is guaranteed to operate  
at the specified frequency down to the specified brownout  
voltage. After the underflow, the logic is designed such that  
no additional internal resets occur as long as VCC remains  
above the brownout voltage.  
The device is relatively immune to short duration negative-  
going VCC transients (glitches). It is essential that good  
filtering of VCC be done to ensure that the brownout feature  
works correctly. Power supply decoupling is vital even in  
battery powered systems.  
FIGURE 8. Reset Circuit Using External Reset  
Refer to the device specifications for the actual Vbor voltage.  
10.7.2 On-Chip Brownout Reset  
Under no circumstances should the RESET pin be allowed  
to float. If the external Reset feature is not being used, the  
RESET pin should be connected directly to VCC. The RESET  
input may also be connected to an external pull-up resistor  
or to other external circuitry. The output of the brownout reset  
detector will always preset the Idle Timer to a value between  
00F0 and 00FF (240 to 256 tC). At this time, the internal reset  
will be generated.  
The device generates an internal reset as VCC rises. While  
VCC is less than the specified brownout voltage (Vbor), the  
device is held in the reset condition and the Idle Timer is  
preset with 00Fx (240–256 tC). When VCC reaches a value  
greater than Vbor, the Idle Timer starts counting down. Upon  
underflow of the Idle Timer, the internal reset is released and  
the device will start executing instructions. This internal reset  
will perform the same functions as external reset. Once VCC  
is above Vbor, and this initial Idle Timer time-out takes place,  
instruction execution begins and the Idle Timer can be used  
The contents of data registers and RAM are unknown fol-  
lowing the on-chip reset.  