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MU9C3640L 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MU9C3640L
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内容描述: LIST -XL系列 [LIST-XL Family]
文件页数/大小: 22 页 / 185 K
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Operational Characteristics  
LIST-XL Family  
Mask Registers  
Input Control Signals and Commands  
There are two active mask registers at any one time, which  
can be selected to mask comparisons or data writes. Mask  
Register 1 has both a foreground and background mode to  
support rapid context switching. Mask Register 2 does not  
For masking comparisons, data stored in the active selected  
mask register determines which bits of the comparand are  
compared against the valid contents of the memory. If a bit  
is set HIGH in the mask register, the same bit position in the  
Comparand register becomes a "don't care" for the purpose  
of the comparison with all the memory locations. During a  
Data Write cycle or a MOV instruction, data in the specified  
active mask register can also determine which bits in the  
destination will be updated. If a bit is HIGH in the mask  
Three input control signals and commands loaded into an  
instruction decoder control the LIST-XL. Two of the three  
input control signals determine the cycle type. The control  
signals tell the device whether the data on the I/O bus  
represents data or a command, and is input or output.  
Commands are decoded by instruction logic and control  
moves, forced compares, validity bit manipulations, and the  
data path within the device. Registers (Control, Segment  
Temporary Command Override instructions. The data path  
from the DQ bus to/from data resources (comparand, masks,  
Persistent Source and Destination instructions.  
After a Compare cycle (caused by either a data write to the  
Comparand or mask registers, a write to the Control register,  
or a forced compare), the Status register contains the address  
of the Highest-Priority Matching location, along with flags  
indicating match, multiple match, and full. The /MF, /MM,  
and /FF flags also are available directly on output pins.  
Highest Priority/Multiple Match  
The match line associated with each memory address is fed  
and the address of the highest-priority responder (the lowest  
a multiple response might indicate an error. In other  
applications the existence of multiple responders may be  
Note: Throughout the following, “aaaH” represents a three-digit hexadecimal number “aaa,” while “bbB” represents a two-digit  
binary number “bb.” All memory locations are written to or read from in 16-bit segments. Segment 0 corresponds to the lowest order  
bits (bits 15–0) and Segment 3 corresponds to the highest order bits (bits 63–48).  
Control Bus  
resources on the 64-bit bus: Comparand register, Mask  
Register 1, Mask Register 2, and the Memory array.  
Refer to the Block Diagram on page 1 for the following  
discussion. The inputs Chip Enable (/E), Write Enable (/W),  
and Command Enable (/CM) are the primary control  
mechanism for the LIST-XL. Instructions are the secondary  
(SPS), Select Persistent Destination (SPD), and Temporary  
Command Override (TCO) instructions allow the I/O  
operations to and from the DQ15-0 lines to the internal  
resources, as shown in Table 3 on page 7.  
The default destination for Command Write cycles is the  
Instruction decoder, while the default source for Command  
Read cycles is the Status register.  
Temporary Command Override (TCO) instructions provide  
access to the Control register, the Segment Control register,  
instructions are active only for one Command Read or Write  
cycle after being loaded into the Instruction decoder.  
for Data Read and Write cycles. This default state can be  
overridden independently by executing a Select Persistent  
a different source or destination for data. Subsequent Data  
Read or Data Write cycles will access that source or  
read back through a TCO PS or PD instruction. The sources  
and destinations available for persistent access are those  
The data and control interfaces to the LIST-XL are  
synchronous. During a Write cycle, the Control and Data  
inputs are registered by the falling edge of /E. When writing  
to the persistently selected data destination, the Destination  
Segment counter is clocked by the rising edge of /E. During  
a Read cycle, the Control inputs are registered by the falling  
When reading from the persistently selected data source, the  
Source Segment counter is clocked by the rising edge of /E.  
Rev. 3.1  