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PDSP16488A0 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PDSP16488A0
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内容描述: 单芯片的二维卷积器与积分行延迟 [Single Chip 2D Convolver with Integral Line Delays]
文件页数/大小: 33 页 / 414 K
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Device Requirements  
The number of devices required to implement a given convolver  
window depends on the size of the window, the required pixel  
rate, and whether the pixel accuracy is to be 8 or 16 bits. In  
practice the PDSP16488A supports windows requiring one, two,  
four, six, or eight devices without additional logic. Table 2 gives  
typical window sizes which may be obtained with the above  
number of devices.  
In an interlaced system the pixels from the previous field must  
use the IP7:0 inputs, and the live pixels must use the L7:0 inputs.  
Interlaced systems requiring extended precision pixels are non-  
supported with a single device, since the L7:0 inputs are then use  
for the least significant 8 bits, and the IP7:0 inputs for any more  
significant bits.  
If the X15 pin is left open circuit, an internal pullup will  
configure the device in the host supported mode. The host must  
Figs. 13 through 20 show system interconnections for these  
arrangements. Other configurations are possible but may need  
the support of additional pixel/line delays and/or expansion  
adders. Although not necessarily shown, all configurations can  
be supported by either an EPROM or a Host computer. Interlaced  
or non-interlaced video may also be used, unless explicitly stated  
otherwise in the text.  
Expansion with 8-bit pixels is a straightforward process and  
the number of devices needed is easily deduced from the window  
sizes available in a single device. At pixel rates above 20MHz it  
may not be practical to use more than four devices, since the full  
32-bit intermediate precision is not available. The lack of expan-  
sion multiplexing reduces the intermediate precision to 16 bits.  
The partial sum outputs must thus not overflow these 16 bits; this  
will require the coefficients to be scaled down appropriately with  
a resulting loss in accuracy.  
Expansion with 16-bit pixels can be achieved in several ways.  
The simplest way is to use two devices, each working with 8-bit  
pixels. One device handles the least significant part of the data,  
and its output feeds the expansion input of a second device. This  
performs the most significant half of the calculation. The least  
significant half is then added to the most significant sum, after the  
latter has been multiplied by 256, i.e. shifted by eight places. This  
shift is done internally and controlled by Register D, bit 1. The  
internal 32-bit accuracy prevents any loss in precision due the  
shift and add operation.  
The window size with this arrangement is restricted to that  
available in a single device, at the required pixel rate but with  
8-bit pixels. Thus two devices can be used, for example, to  
provide an 838 window with 16-bit pixels and 10MHz rates.  
If a larger extended precision window is needed, it is possible  
to use four devices. Each device is then programmed to be in a  
16-bit data mode, but should be restricted to rates below 20MHz,  
if the 32-bit intermediate precision is to be maintained. In the 16-  
bit modes, however, the output from the last line delay is not  
available due to pin limitations. This is not a problem in a four  
device interlaced system, since half of the devices will be fed from  
an external field delay. In non interlaced systems additional  
external line delays would be needed. An alternative approach would  
be to configure all the devices in the appropriate 8-bit mode, do  
separate least significant and most significant calculations, and then  
combine the results in an external adder after a wired-in shift.  
then supply a data strobe and an  
control line. The X7:0 pins  
must be connected to the host data bus, and are used to both load  
and read back register values. The  
connected together, and then driven by a host address decode.  
pins may be  
The output on  
, which provides a  
to the host, need  
not be used if the width of the data strobe is greater than the  
maximum tEXP value given in Fig. 10.  
The configuration bits 6:4 in register A define the window size,  
maximum pixel rate, and pixel resolution. Window sizes smaller  
than the maximum in any configuration are implemented by filling  
in the window with zero coefficients. Bits 3:0 are irrelevant in the  
Single mode, as is bit 7 if the gain control is used.  
The result would be expected to lie in either the bottom 20 bits  
of the 32-bit result , or possibly in the next 20-bit field displaced  
by four bits. Register C, bits 5:4, must thus select one of these  
fields for subsequent use by the gain control. The gain is then  
adjusted such that the 16 outputs available on pins D15:0 are in  
fact the 16 most significant bits of the result. The gain needed is  
application specific, but if too much gain is used the OVR pin will  
go high to indicate an overflow.  
Register B, bits 2:1, must be set to select the required method  
of defining the length of the line delays, and the use of bit 3 is  
dependent on any external pixel delays before the convolver  
input. No additional delays are needed on the pixel inputs in a  
single device system, and register D, bits 4:2, should be reset.  
The pipeline delay in the DELOP output path should match one  
of those in Table 6, and is window size dependent.  
Dual device configurations  
Two devices, each configured with 8-bit pixels and 8W34D  
windows, can be used to provide an 838 window at up to 20MHz  
pixel rates. Fig. 14 shows both the non-interlaced and interlaced  
Video lines containing up to 1024 pixels are possible in both  
configurations, since each device only needs four line delays.  
One device is configured as the Master by grounding  
normal way and has its  
pin; the other then receives control signals in the  
pins left open  
The internal convolver sum, in the device producing the final  
result, must be delayed by 4 pixels to match the inherent delay in  
the expansion output from the other device. This is actually  
achieved by delaying the pixel inputs to the line stores (register  
D, bits 3:2, = 01). No additional delay in the expansion input is  
needed, but the pipeline delay used to produce DELOP must be  
four clocks greater than that given in Table 6 for a single device.  
The DELOP output is redundant in one of the two devices.  
Two devices can also be used to support systems requiring 16-  
bit pixels. With this approach the 1638 multiplication is realised as two  
838 operations, with the results added together after the most  
significant half has been shifted by 8 places to the most significant  
end. This shift operation is controlled by register D, bit 1. Both  
convolvers are programmed to contain the same coefficients. The  
convolved output can theoretically grow to 30 bits, and the  
appropriate field must be selected before using the gain control.  
Examples of this operating mode are shown in Fig. 15. Each  
device must be configured in the same 8-bit pixel operating mode,  
but the device producing the final result must use the 8 place shift  
option on its internal sum.  
Single device configuration  
Fig.13 illustrates both EPROM and Host supported single  
device systems, with or without interlaced video. In both cases  
the Single and X15 pins must be tied low, and the  
PC0 PC1  
pin becomes an output  
pins are redundant. The  
and indicates that a register load sequence is occurring. The first  
line delay must always be bypassed in a non interlaced system,  
however, since an internal pullup is not provided, the BYPASS pin  
should be tied to VCC for the correct operation. With interlaced  
video the BYPASS input is used to distinguish between the odd  
and even fields.  
simply loaded after a power on reset signal; the latter being  
input may be used  
input may be left open circuit if coefficients are to be  
applied to the  
input. Alternatively the  
to change the coefficients at any time after power on reset; the  
EPROM would then need additional address bits for the extra  
sets of coefficients that are to be stored.  