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MT9074AL 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MT9074AL
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内容描述: T1 / E1 / J1单芯片收发器 [T1/E1/J1 Single Chip Transceiver]
分类和应用: 电信集成电路
文件页数/大小: 122 页 / 371 K
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Advance Information  
Data Link Operation in T1 mode  
Data Link Operation  
SLC-96 and ESF protocol allow for carrier messages  
to be embedded in the overhead bit position. The  
MT9074 provides 3 separate means of controlling  
these data links. See Data Link and Rx Equalization  
Control Word - address 12H, page 1H.  
Data Link Operation in E1 mode  
In E1 mode MT9074 has a user defined 4, 8, 12, 16  
or 20 kbit/s data link for transport of maintenance  
and performance monitoring information across the  
PCM 30 link. This channel functions using the S bits  
• The data links (transmit and receive) may be  
sourced (sunk) from an external controller using  
dedicated pins on the MT9074 in T1 mode (enabled  
by setting the bit 7 - EDL of the Data link Control  
(S ~S ) of the PCM 30 timeslot zero non-frame  
alignment signal (NFAS). Since the NFAS is  
transmitted every other frame - a periodicity of 250  
microseconds - the aggregate bit rate is a multiple of  
4 kb/s. As there are five S bits independently  
available for this data link, the bit rate will be 4, 8, 12,  
16 or 20 kb/s, depending on the bits selected for the  
Data Link (DL).  
• Bit - Oriented Messages may be transmit and  
received via a dedicated TxBOM register (page 1H,  
address 13H) and a RxBOM (page 3H, address  
15H). Transmission is enabled by setting bit 6 -  
BIOMEn in the Data link Control Word. Bit - oriented  
messages may be periodically interrupted (up to  
once per second) for a duration of up to 100  
milliseconds. This is to accommodate bursts of  
message - oriented protocols. See Table 16 for  
message structure.  
The S bits used for the DL are selected by setting  
the appropriate bits, S ~S , to one in the Data Link  
Select Word (page 01H, address 17H, bits 4-0).  
Access to the DL is provided by pins TxDLCLK,  
TxDL, RxDLCLK and RxDL, which allow easy  
interfacing to an external controller.  
Data to be transmit onto the line in the Sa bit position  
is clocked in from the TxDL pad (pin 65 in PLCC, pin  
62 in MQFP) with the clock TxDLCLK (pin 64 in  
PLCC, pin 61 in MQFP). Although the aggregate  
clock rate equals the bit rate, it has a nominal pulse  
width of 244 ns, and it clocks in the TxDL as if it were  
a 2.048 Mb/s data stream. The clock can only be  
active during bit times 4 to 0 of the STBUS frame.  
The TxDL input signal is clocked into the MT9074 by  
the rising edge of TxDLCLK. If bits are selected to be  
a part of the DL, all other programmed functions for  
those Sa bit positions are overridden.  
• An internal HDLC controller may be attached to the  
data link.  
External Data Link  
In T1 mode MT9074 has two pairs of pins (TxDL and  
TxDLCLK, RxDL and RxDLCLK) dedicated to  
transmitting and receiving bits in the selected  
overhead bit positions. Pins TxDLCLK and RxDLCLK  
are clock outputs available for clocking data into the  
MT9074 (for transmit) or external device (for receive  
information). Each clock operates at 4 Khz. In the  
SLC-96 mode the optional serial data link is  
multiplexed into the Fs bit position. In the ESF mode  
the serial data link is multiplexed into odd frames, i.e.  
the FDL bit positions.  
The RxDLCLK signal (pin 39 in PLCC, pin 20 in  
MQFP) is derived from the receive extracted clock  
and is aligned with the receive data link output RxDL.  
The HDB3 decoded receive data, at 2.048 Mbit/s, is  
clocked out of the device on pin RxDL (pin 40 in  
PLCC, pin 21 in MQFP). In order to facilitate the  
attachment of this data stream to a Data Link  
controller, the clock signal RxDLCLK consists of  
positive pulses, of nominal width of 244 ns, during  
the Sa bit cell times that are selected for the data  
link. Again, this selection is made by programming  
address 17H of master control page 01H. No DL  
data will be lost or repeated when a receive frame  
slip occurs. See the AC Electrical Characteristics for  
timing requirements.  
Bit - Oriented Messaging  
In T1 mode MT9074 Bit oriented messaging may be  
selected by setting bit 6 (BIOMEn) in the Data Link  
Control Word (page 1H, address 12H). The transmit  
data link will contain the repeating serial data stream  
111111110xxxxxx0 where the byte 0xxxxxx0  
originates from the user programmed register  
"Transmit Bit Oriented Message" - page 1H address  
13H. The receive BIOM register "Receive Bit  
Oriented Message" - page 3H, address 15H, will  
contain the last received valid message (the  
0xxxxxx0 portion of the incoming serial bit stream).  
To prevent spurious inputs from creating false  