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VDP3116B 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: VDP3116B
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内容描述: 视频处理器家族 [Video Processor Family]
文件页数/大小: 72 页 / 589 K
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VDP 31xxB  
Pin 6 Half Contrast Switch Input, HCS (Fig. 416)  
Via this input pin the output level of the analog RGB out-  
put pins can be reduced by 3dB.  
Pin 26, 27 Range Switch for Measurement ADC,  
RSW1, RSW2 (Fig. 419)  
These pins are open drain pull-down outputs. RSW1 is  
switched off during cutoff and whitedrive measurement.  
RSW2 is switched off during cutoff measurement only.  
Pin 7 Front Sync Output, FSY (Fig. 413)  
This pin supplies the front sync information  
Pin 28 Measurement ADC Input, SENSE (Fig. 415)  
This is the input of the analog digital converter for the  
picture and tube measurement.  
Pin 8 Composite Sync Output, CSY (Fig. 413)  
This output supplies a standard composite sync signal  
that is compatible to the analog RGB output signals.  
Pin 29 Ground (Measurement ADC Reference Input),  
This is the ground reference for the measurement A/D  
Pin 9 Main Sync Output, MSY (Fig. 413)  
This pin supplies the main sync information.  
Pin 30 Ground (Vertical Sawtooth Output), GND (Fig.  
Pin 10 Interlace Output, INTLC (Fig. 413)  
This pin supplies the interlace information, 0 indicates  
first field, 1 indicates second field.  
This is the ground reference for the vertical outputs.  
Pin 31 Vertical Sawtooth Output, VERT (Fig. 420)  
This pin supplies the drive signal for the vertical output  
stage. The drive signal is generated with 15-bit precision  
by the Fast Processor in the front-end. The analog volt-  
age is generated by a 4-bit current-DAC with external re-  
sistor and uses digital noise shaping.  
Pin 11 Vertical Protection Input, VPROT (Fig. 414)  
The vertical protection circuitry prevents the picture tube  
from burn-in in the event of a malfunction of the vertical  
deflection stage. During vertical blanking, a signal level  
of2.5Vissensed. Ifanegativeedgecannotbedetected,  
the RGB output signals are blanked.  
Pin 32 East-West Parabola Output, EW (Fig. 420)  
This pin supplies the parabola signal for the East-West  
correction. The drive signal is generated with 15 bit pre-  
cisionbytheFastProcessorinthefront-end. Theanalog  
voltage is generated by a 4-bit current-DAC with exter-  
nal resistor and uses digital noise shaping.  
Pin 12 Safety Input, SAFETY (Fig. 414)  
This is a three-level input. Low level means normal func-  
tion. At the medium level RGB signals are blanked and  
at high level RGB signals are blanked and horizontal  
drive is shut off.  
Pin 33 DAC Current Reference, XREF (Fig. 421)  
ExternalreferenceresistorforDACoutputcurrents, typi-  
cal 10 kto adjust the output current of the D/A convert-  
ers (see recommended operating conditions). This re-  
sistor has to be connected to analog ground as closely  
as possible to the pin.  
Pin 13 Horizontal Flyback Input, HFLB (Fig. 414)  
Via this pin the horizontal flyback pulse is supplied to the  
VDP 31xxB.  
Pin 14 Ground (Digital Circuitry Front-end), GND  
Pin 34 Scan Velocity Modulation Output, SVMOUT  
(Fig. 417)  
This output delivers the analog SVM signal. The D/A  
converter is a current sink like the RGB D/A converters.  
At zero signal the output current is 50% of the maximum  
output current.  
Pin 15 Supply Voltage (Digital Circuitry), VSUP  
Pin 16 Ground (Digital Circuitry Back-end), GND  
Pin 17, 18, 19 Picture Bus Priority, PR[2:0] (Fig. 45)  
The Picture Bus Priority lines carry the digital priority  
selection signals. The priority interface allows digital  
switching of up to 8 sources to the backend processor.  
Switching for different sources is prioritized and can be  
done from pixel to pixel.  
Pin 35 Ground (Analog Back-end), GND  
Pin 36 Supply Voltage (Analog Back-end), VSUP  
Pin 37, 38, 39 Analog RGB Outputs, ROUT, GOUT,  
BOUT (Fig. 417)  
end. The outputs sink a current of max. 8mA.  
Pin 20...24 Picture Bus Color Address, COLOR[4:0]  
(Fig. 416)  
The Picture Bus COLOR lines carry the digital RGB col-  
or data. They are used as address for the color lookup  
Pin 40 DAC Reference Decoupling, VRD (Fig. 421)  
Via this pin the DAC reference voltage is decoupled by  
an external capacitance. The DAC output currents de-  
pend on this voltage, therefore a pull-down transistor  
can be used to shut off all beam currents. A decoupling  
capacitor of 3.3µF//100nF is required.  
Pin 25 Ground (Digital Shield), DSGND.  