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VDP3116B 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: VDP3116B
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内容描述: 视频处理器家族 [Video Processor Family]
文件页数/大小: 72 页 / 589 K
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VDP 31xxB  
2.12. Reset Function  
In the standby mode the following functions are still  
available (see also 2.11.1.):  
Reset of most VDP 31xxB functions is performed by the  
RESET pin. When this pin becomes active, all internal  
registers and counters are lost. When the RESET pin is  
released, the internal reset is still active for 4 µs. After  
that time, the initialization of all required registers is per-  
formed by the internal Fast Processor. During this initial-  
ization procedure (see Fig. 231) it is not possible to ac-  
cess the VDP 31xxB via the serial interface (I C).  
Access to other ICs via the serial bus is possible during  
that time.  
20.25 MHz crystal oscillator  
5 MHz clock output (CLK5)  
horizontal drive output (HOUT)  
The clock source for the horizontal output generator is  
switched to the standby clock which is derived from the  
5 MHz clock. The duty cycle of HOUT is set to 50%.  
Protection modes with safety and horizontal flyback pins  
are not available.  
The 5 MHz clock divider and the 1 MHz standby clock di-  
vider are not affected by reset. The clock source for the  
horizontal output generator is switched to the standby  
clock during reset.  
The VDP 31xxB has clock and voltage supervision cir-  
cuits to generate a stable HOUT signal during power-on  
and standby. The HOUT signal is disabled until a proper  
CLK5 signal (5 MHz clock) is detected. When released,  
the HOUT generator runs with the standby clock. Cou-  
pling the HOUT generator to the deflection PLL has to  
be done by CCU using the EHPLL bit. Fig. 232 shows  
the signals during power-on and standby.  
approx. 60µs  
Fig. 231: External Reset  
1 µs  
2.13. Standby and Power-On  
In standby mode the whole signal processing of the VDP  
31xxB is disabled and only some basic functions are  
working. The standby mode is realized by switching off  
thesuppliesforanalogfront-end(VSUPF), analogback-  
end (VSUPO) and digital circuitry (VSUPD). The stand-  
by supply (VSTBY) still has its nominal voltage.  
Fig. 232: Power-On, Standby On/Off  
To disable all the analog and digital functions, it is neces-  
sary to bring the analog and digital supplies below 0.5 V.  
Only this guarantees that all the normal functions are  
disabled and the standby current for analog and digital  
supply is at its minimum.  
Switching the HOUT signal into standby mode can be  
age supervision. The voltage supervision activates a  
power-down signal when the supply for the digital cir-  
cuits (VSUPD) goes below X4.5 V for more than 50ns.  
This power down signal is extended by 50µs after  
VSUPD is back again. The power-down signal switches  
the clock source for the HOUT generation to the standby  
clockandsetsthedutycycleto50%. Thisisexactlywhat  
the EHPLL bit does.  
When switched off, the negative slope of the supply  
voltage VSUPD should not be larger than approximately  
0.2 V/µs (see Recommended Operating Conditions).  
In the standby mode, all registers and counter values in  
the VDP 31xxB are lost, they will be re-initialized via the  
internal Fast Processor after analog and digital supplies  
are switched on again and the RESET pin is released.  
As the clocks from the deflection PLL and the standby  
clock are not in phase, the actual phase (High/Low) of  
the HOUT signal may be up to one PLL or standby clock  
(X1 µs) longer than a regular one when the clock source  
is changed.  