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PIC18LF4320-I/ML 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PIC18LF4320-I/ML
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内容描述: 28 /40/ 44引脚高性能,增强型闪存微控制器与10位A / D和纳瓦技术 [28/40/44-Pin High-Performance, Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers with 10-Bit A/D and nanoWatt Technology]
分类和应用: 闪存微控制器和处理器外围集成电路时钟
文件页数/大小: 388 页 / 6899 K
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Note 1: Caution should be used when modifying a  
single IRCF bit. If VDD is less than 3V, it is  
possible to select a higher clock speed  
than is supported by the low VDD.  
Improper device operation may result if  
the VDD/FOSC specifications are violated.  
In general, entry, exit and switching between power  
managed clock sources requires clock source  
switching. In each case, the sequence of events is the  
Any change in the power managed mode begins with  
loading the OSCCON register and executing a SLEEP  
instruction. The SCS1:SCS0 bits select one of three  
power managed clock sources; the primary clock (as  
defined in Configuration Register 1H), the secondary  
clock (the Timer1 oscillator) and the internal oscillator  
block (used in RC modes). Modifying the SCS bits will  
have no effect until a SLEEP instruction is executed.  
Entry to the power managed mode is triggered by the  
execution of a SLEEPinstruction.  
2: Executing a SLEEP instruction does not  
necessarily place the device into Sleep  
mode; executing a SLEEP instruction is  
simply a trigger to place the controller into  
a power managed mode selected by the  
OSCCON register, one of which is Sleep  
The power managed mode that is invoked with the  
SLEEPinstruction is determined by the settings of the  
IDLEN and SCS bits at the time the instruction is exe-  
cuted. If another SLEEP instruction is executed, the  
device will enter the power managed mode specified by  
these same bits at that time. If the bits have changed,  
the device will enter the new power managed mode  
specified by the new bit settings.  
Figure 3-5 shows how the system is clocked while  
switching from the primary clock to the Timer1 oscilla-  
tor. When the SLEEPinstruction is executed, clocks to  
the device are stopped at the beginning of the next  
instruction cycle. Eight clock cycles from the new clock  
source are counted to synchronize with the new clock  
source. After eight clock pulses from the new clock  
source are counted, clocks from the new clock source  
resume clocking the system. The actual length of the  
pause is between eight and nine clock periods from the  
new clock source. This ensures that the new clock  
source is stable and that its pulse width will not be less  
than the shortest pulse width of the two clock sources.  
Clock source selection for the Run modes is identical to  
the corresponding Idle modes. When a SLEEPinstruc-  
tion is executed, the SCS bits in the OSCCON register  
are used to switch to a different clock source. As a  
result, if there is a change of clock source at the time a  
SLEEPinstruction is executed, a clock switch will occur.  
Three bits indicate the current clock source: OSTS and  
IOFS in the OSCCON register and T1RUN in the  
T1CON register. Only one of these bits will be set while  
in a power managed mode other than PRI_RUN. When  
the OSTS bit is set, the primary clock is providing the  
system clock. When the IOFS bit is set, the INTOSC  
output is providing a stable 8 MHz clock source and is  
providing the system clock. When the T1RUN bit is set,  
the Timer1 oscillator is providing the system clock. If  
none of these bits are set, then either the INTRC clock  
source is clocking the system or the INTOSC source is  
not yet stable.  
In Idle modes, the CPU is not clocked and is not run-  
ning. In Run modes, the CPU is clocked and executing  
code. This difference modifies the operation of the  
WDT when it times out. In Idle modes, a WDT time-out  
results in a wake from power managed modes. In Run  
modes, a WDT time-out results in a WDT Reset (see  
Table 3-2).  
During a wake-up from an Idle mode, the CPU starts  
executing code by entering the corresponding Run  
mode until the primary clock becomes ready. When the  
primary clock becomes ready, the clock source is auto-  
matically switched to the primary clock. The IDLEN and  
SCS bits are unchanged during and after the wake-up.  
If the internal oscillator block is configured as the pri-  
mary clock source in Configuration Register 1H, then  
both the OSTS and IOFS bits may be set when in  
PRI_RUN or PRI_IDLE modes. This indicates that the  
primary clock (INTOSC output) is generating a stable  
8 MHz output. Entering a power managed RC mode  
(same frequency) would clear the OSTS bit.  
Figure 3-2 shows how the system is clocked during the  
clock source switch. The example assumes the device  
was in SEC_IDLE or SEC_RUN mode when a wake is  
triggered (the primary clock was configured in HSPLL  
DS39599C-page 30  
2003 Microchip Technology Inc.  