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PIC16F913-I/ML 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PIC16F913-I/ML
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 40分之28 / 44/ 64引脚基于闪存的8位CMOS微控制器与LCD驱动器和纳瓦技术 [28/40/44/64-Pin Flash-Based, 8-Bit CMOS Microcontrollers with LCD Driver and nanoWatt Technology]
分类和应用: 驱动器闪存微控制器
文件页数/大小: 330 页 / 6045 K
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AUSART Operation During Sleep  
The AUSART will remain active during Sleep only in the  
Synchronous Slave mode. All other modes require the  
system clock and therefore cannot generate the neces-  
sary signals to run the Transmit or Receive Shift regis-  
ters during Sleep.  
To transmit during Sleep, all the following conditions  
must be met before entering Sleep mode:  
• RCSTA and TXSTA Control registers must be  
configured for Synchronous Slave Transmission  
(see Section “Synchronous Slave  
Transmission Set-up:”).  
Synchronous Slave mode uses an externally generated  
clock to run the Transmit and Receive Shift registers.  
The TXIF interrupt flag must be cleared by writing  
the output data to the TXREG, thereby filling the  
TSR and transmit buffer.  
• If interrupts are desired, set the TXIE bit of the  
PIE1 register and the PEIE bit of the INTCON  
To receive during Sleep, all the following conditions  
must be met before entering Sleep mode:  
• RCSTA and TXSTA Control registers must be  
configured for Synchronous Slave Reception (see  
Section “Synchronous Slave  
Reception Set-up:”).  
Upon entering Sleep mode, the device will be ready to  
accept clocks on TX/CK pin and transmit data on the  
RX/DT pin. When the data word in the TSR has been  
completely clocked out by the external device, the  
pending byte in the TXREG will transfer to the TSR and  
the TXIF flag will be set. Thereby, waking the processor  
from Sleep. At this point, the TXREG is available to  
accept another character for transmission, which will  
clear the TXIF flag.  
• If interrupts are desired, set the RCIE bit of the  
PIE1 register and the PEIE bit of the INTCON  
• The RCIF interrupt flag must be cleared by read-  
ing RCREG to unload any pending characters in  
the receive buffer.  
Upon waking from Sleep, the instruction following the  
SLEEP instruction will be executed. If the GIE global  
interrupt enable bit is also set then the Interrupt Service  
Routine at address 0004h will be called.  
Upon entering Sleep mode, the device will be ready to  
accept data and clocks on the RX/DT and TX/CK pins,  
respectively. When the data word has been completely  
clocked in by the external device, the RCIF interrupt  
flag bit of the PIR1 register will be set. Thereby, waking  
the processor from Sleep.  
Upon waking from Sleep, the instruction following the  
SLEEP instruction will be executed. If the GIE global  
interrupt enable bit of the INTCON register is also set,  
then the Interrupt Service Routine at address 004h will  
be called.  
© 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.  
DS41250F-page 141  