15.13 Time-out Sequence
The internal reference voltage of the LVD module may
be used by other internal circuitry (the Programmable
Brown-out Reset). If these circuits are disabled (lower
current consumption), the reference voltage circuit
requires a time to become stable before a low-voltage
condition can be reliably detected. This time is invariant
of system clock speed. This start-up time is specified in
electrical specification parameter #36. The low-voltage
interrupt flag will not be enabled until a stable reference
voltage is reached. Refer to the waveform in Figure 15-6.
On power-up, the time-out sequence is as follows: the
PWRT delay starts (if enabled) when a POR occurs;
then, OST starts counting 1024 oscillator cycles when
PWRT ends (LP, XT, HS); when the OST ends, the
device comes out of Reset.
If MCLR is kept low long enough, all delays will expire.
Bringing MCLR high will begin execution immediately.
This is useful for testing purposes or to synchronize
more than one PIC16F7X7 device operating in parallel.
Table 15-3 shows the Reset conditions for the Status,
PCON and PC registers, while Table 15-4 shows the
Reset conditions for all the registers.
When the module is enabled, the LVD comparator and
voltage divider are enabled and will consume static cur-
rent. The voltage divider can be tapped from multiple
places in the resistor array. Total current consumption,
when enabled, is specified in electrical specification
parameter #D022B.
15.14 Power Control/Status Register
The Power Control/Status register, PCON, has two bits
to indicate the type of Reset that last occurred.
Bit 0 is Brown-out Reset status bit, BOR. Bit BOR is
unknown on a Power-on Reset. It must then be set by
the user and checked on subsequent Resets to see if
15.11 Operation During Sleep
When enabled, the LVD circuitry continues to operate
during Sleep. If the device voltage crosses the trip
point, the LVDIF bit will be set and the device will wake-
up from Sleep. Device execution will continue from the
interrupt vector address if interrupts have been globally
bit BOR cleared, indicating
a Brown-out Reset
occurred. When the Brown-out Reset is disabled, the
state of the BOR bit is unpredictable.
Bit 1 is Power-on Reset Status bit, POR. It is cleared on
a Power-on Reset and unaffected otherwise. The user
must set this bit following a Power-on Reset.
15.12 Effects of a Reset
A device Reset forces all registers to their Reset state.
This forces the LVD module to be turned off.
If the LVD is enabled and the BOR module
is not enabled, the band gap will require a
start-up time of no more than 50 µs before
the band gap reference is stable. Before
enabling the LVD interrupt, the user
should ensure that the band gap reference
voltage is stable by monitoring the IRVST
bit in the LVDCON register. The LVD could
cause erroneous interrupts before the
band gap is stable.
DS30498C-page 178
2004 Microchip Technology Inc.