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PIC16C745-I/SO 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PIC16C745-I/SO
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: IC- 8-BIT MCU\n [IC-8-BIT MCU ]
分类和应用: 微控制器和处理器外围集成电路光电二极管PC可编程只读存储器时钟
文件页数/大小: 158 页 / 2499 K
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10.1.2 FRAMES  
Information communicated on the bus is grouped in a  
format called Frames. Each Frame is 1 ms in duration  
and is composed of multiple transfers. Each transfer  
type can be repeated more than once within a frame.  
This section introduces a minimum amount of informa-  
tion on USB. If you already have basic knowledge of  
USB, you can safely skip this section. If terms like  
Enumeration, Endpoint, IN/OUT Transactions, Trans-  
fers and Low Speed/Full Speed are foreign to you,  
read on.  
10.1.3 POWER  
Power has always been a concern with any device.  
With USB, 5 volt power is now available directly from  
the bus. Devices may be self-powered or bus-pow-  
ered. Self-powered devices will draw power from a  
wall adapter or power brick. On the other hand, bus-  
powered devices will draw power directly from the  
USB bus itself. There are limits to how much power  
can be drawn from the USB bus. Power is expressed  
in terms of “unit loads” (100 mA). All devices, includ-  
ing Hubs, are guaranteed at least 1 unit load (low  
power), but must negotiate with the host for up to 5  
unit loads (high power). If the host determines that the  
bus as currently configured cannot support a device’s  
request for more unit loads, the device will be denied  
the extra unit loads and must remain in a low power  
USB was developed to address the increased connec-  
tivity needs of PC’s in the PC 2000 specification.  
There was a base requirement to increase the band-  
width and number of devices, which could be attached.  
Also desired were the ability for hot swapping, user  
friendly operation, robust communications and low  
cost. The primary promoters of USB are Intel, Com-  
paq, Microsoft and NEC.  
USB is implemented as a Tiered Star topology, with  
the host at the top, hubs in the middle, spreading out  
to the individual devices at the end. USB is limited to  
127 devices on the bus, and the tree cannot be more  
than 6 levels deep.  
USB is a host centric architecture. The host is always  
the master. Devices are not allowed to “speak” unless  
“spoken to” by the host.  
10.1.4 END POINTS  
At the lowest level, each device controls one or more  
endpoints. An endpoint can be thought of as a virtual  
port. Endpoints are used to communicate with a  
device’s functions. Each endpoint is a source or sink of  
data. Endpoints have both an In and Out direction  
associated with it. Each device must implement end-  
point 0 to support Control Transfers for configuration.  
There are a maximum of 15 endpoints available for  
use by each full speed device and 6 endpoints for  
each slow speed device. Remember that the bus is  
host centric, so In/Out is with respect to the host and  
not the device.  
Transfers take place at one of two speeds. Full Speed  
is 12 Mb/s and Low Speed is 1.5 Mb/s. Full Speed  
covers the middle ground of data intensive audio and  
compressed video applications, while low speed sup-  
ports less data intensive applications.  
Four transfer protocols are defined, each with  
- Isochronous Transfers, meaning equal time,  
guarantee a fixed amount of data at a fixed  
rate. This mode trades off guaranteed data  
accuracy for guaranteed timeliness. Data  
validity is not checked because there isn’t  
time to re-send bad packets anyway and the  
consequences of bad data are not cata-  
Prior to communicating on the bus, the host must see  
that a new device has been connected and then go  
through an “enumeration process”. This process  
allows the host to ask the device to introduce itself,  
and negotiate performance parameters, such as  
power consumption, transfer protocol and polling rate.  
The enumeration process is initiated by the host when  
it detects that a new device has attached itself to the  
bus. This takes place completely in the background  
from the application process.  
- Bulk Transfers are the converse of Isocho-  
nous. Data accuracy is guaranteed, but time-  
liness is not.  
- Interrupt Transfers are designed to communi-  
cate with devices which have a moderate  
data rate requirement. Human Interface  
Devices like keyboards are but one example.  
For Interrupt Transfers, the key is the desire  
to transfer data at regular intervals. USB peri-  
odically polls these devices at a fixed rate to  
see if there is data to transfer.  
The USB specification requires a number of different  
descriptors to provide information necessary to iden-  
tify a device, specify its endpoints, and each endpoint’s  
function. The five general categories of descriptors are  
Device, Configuration, Interface, End Point and String.  
- Control Transfers are used for configuration  
1999 Microchip Technology Inc.  
Advanced Information  
DS41124A-page 57  