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PIC16C65B-20/L 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PIC16C65B-20/L
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内容描述: 40分之28引脚8位CMOS微控制器 [28/40-Pin 8-Bit CMOS Microcontrollers]
分类和应用: 微控制器
文件页数/大小: 184 页 / 2181 K
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12.2 Selecting the A/D Conversion  
12.5 A/D Operation During SLEEP  
The A/D module can operate during SLEEP mode. This  
requires that the A/D clock source be set to RC  
(ADCS1:ADCS0 = 11). When the RC clock source is  
selected, the A/D module waits one instruction cycle  
before starting the conversion. This allows the SLEEP  
instruction to be executed, which eliminates all digital  
switching noise from the conversion. When the conver-  
sion is completed, the GO/DONE bit will be cleared,  
and the result loaded into the ADRES register. If the  
A/D interrupt is enabled, the device will wake-up from  
SLEEP. If the A/D interrupt is not enabled, the A/D mod-  
ule will then be turned off, although the ADON bit will  
remain set.  
The A/D conversion time per bit is defined as TAD. The  
A/D conversion requires 9.5 TAD per 8-bit conversion.  
The source of the A/D conversion clock is software  
selectable. The four possible options for TAD are:  
2 TOSC  
8 TOSC  
32 TOSC  
Internal RC oscillator (2 - 6 µS)  
For correct A/D conversions, the A/D conversion clock  
(TAD) must be selected to ensure a minimum TAD time  
(parameter #130).  
When the A/D clock source is another clock option (not  
RC), a SLEEPinstruction will cause the present conver-  
sion to be aborted and the A/D module to be turned off,  
though the ADON bit will remain set.  
12.3 Configuring Analog Port Pins  
The ADCON1, TRISA and TRISE registers control the  
operation of the A/D port pins. The port pins that are  
desired as analog inputs must have their correspond-  
ing TRIS bits set (input). If the TRIS bit is cleared (out-  
put), the digital output level (VOH or VOL) will be  
Turning off the A/D places the A/D module in its lowest  
current consumption state.  
Note: For the A/D module to operate in SLEEP,  
the A/D clock source must be set to RC  
(ADCS1:ADCS0 = 11). To perform an A/D  
conversion in SLEEP, ensure the SLEEP  
instruction immediately follows the instruc-  
tion that sets the GO/DONE bit.  
The A/D operation is independent of the state of the  
CHS2:CHS0 bits and the TRIS bits.  
Note 1: When reading the port register, all pins  
configured as analog input channels will  
read as cleared (a low level). Pins config-  
ured as digital inputs will convert an ana-  
log input. Analog levels on a digitally  
configured input will not affect the conver-  
sion accuracy.  
12.6 Effects of a RESET  
A device RESET forces all registers to their RESET  
state. The A/D module is disabled and any conversion  
in progress is aborted. All pins with analog functions  
are configured as analog inputs.  
2: Analog levels on any pin that is defined as  
a digital input, but not as an analog input,  
may cause the input buffer to consume  
current that is out of the devices specifi-  
The ADRES register will contain unknown data after a  
Power-on Reset.  
12.7 Use of the CCP Trigger  
3: The TRISE register is not provided on the  
An A/D conversion can be started by the special event  
triggerof the CCP2 module. This requires that the  
CCP2M3:CCP2M0 bits (CCP2CON<3:0>) be pro-  
grammed as 1011and that the A/D module is enabled  
(ADON bit is set). When the trigger occurs, the  
GO/DONE bit will be set, starting the A/D conversion,  
and the Timer1 counter will be reset to zero. Timer1 is  
reset to automatically repeat the A/D acquisition period  
with minimal software overhead (moving the ADRES to  
the desired location). The appropriate analog input  
channel must be selected and the minimum acquisition  
done before the special event triggersets the  
GO/DONE bit (starts a conversion).  
12.4 A/D Conversions  
Note: The GO/DONE bit should NOT be set in  
the same instruction that turns on the A/D.  
Clearing the GO/DONE bit during a conversion will  
abort the current conversion. The ADRES register will  
NOT be updated with the partially completed A/D con-  
version sample. That is, the ADRES register will con-  
tinue to contain the value of the last completed  
conversion (or the last value written to the ADRES reg-  
ister). After the A/D conversion is aborted, a 2 TAD wait  
is required before the next acquisition is started. After  
this 2 TAD wait, an acquisition is automatically started  
on the selected channel. The GO/DONE bit can then  
be set to start another conversion.  
If the A/D module is not enabled (ADON is cleared),  
then the special event triggerwill be ignored by the  
A/D module, but will still reset the Timer1 counter.  
2000 Microchip Technology Inc.  
DS30605C-page 83  