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MLX90614ESF-ABB 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MLX90614ESF-ABB
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内容描述: 单个和双重红外温度计TO- 39 [Single and Dual Zone Infra Red Thermometer in TO-39]
文件页数/大小: 40 页 / 837 K
品牌: MELEXIS [ Melexis Microelectronic Systems ]
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MLX90614 family  
Single and Dual Zone  
Infra Red Thermometer in TO-39  
power dissipation. In case of using the MLX90614Axx internal zener voltage feature, the regulating external  
transistor should also not cause heating of the TO39 package.  
High capacitive load on a PWM line will result in significant charging currents from the power supply,  
bypassing the capacitor and therefore causing EMC, noise, level degradation and power dissipation  
problems. A simple option is adding a series resistor between the PWM/SDA pin and the capacitive loaded  
line, in which case timing specifications have to be carefully reviewed. For example, with a PWM output that  
is set to 1.024 ms and the output format that is 11 bit, the time step is 0.5 µs and a settling time of 2 µs would  
introduce a 4 LSBs error.  
Power supply decoupling capacitor is needed as with most integrated circuits. MLX90614 is a mixed-signal  
device with sensors, small signal analog part, digital part and I/O circuitry. In order to keep the noise low  
power supply switching noise needs to be decoupled. High noise from external circuitry can also affect noise  
performance of the device. In many applications a 100nF SMD ceramic capacitor close to the Vdd and Vss  
pins would be a good choice. It should be noted that not only the trace to the Vdd pin needs to be short, but  
also the one to the Vss pin. Using MLX90614 with short pins improves the effect of the power supply  
Severe noise can also be coupled within the package from the SCL (in worst cases also from the SDA) pin.  
This issue can be solved by using PWM output. Also the PWM output can pass additional filtering (at lower  
PWM frequency settings). With a simple LPF RC network added also increase of the ESD rating is possible.  
Check www.melexis.com for most recent application notes about MLX90614.  
Rev 003  
Page 34 of 40  
Data Sheet  