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MLX90614ESF-ABB 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MLX90614ESF-ABB
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内容描述: 单个和双重红外温度计TO- 39 [Single and Dual Zone Infra Red Thermometer in TO-39]
文件页数/大小: 40 页 / 837 K
品牌: MELEXIS [ Melexis Microelectronic Systems ]
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MLX90614 family  
Single and Dual Zone  
Infra Red Thermometer in TO-39  
12 Application Comments  
Significant contamination at the optical input side (sensor filter) might cause unknown additional  
filtering/distortion of the optical signal and therefore result in unspecified errors.  
IR sensors are inherently susceptible to errors caused by thermal gradients. There are physical reasons for  
these phenomena and, in spite of the careful design of the MLX90614xxx, it is recommended not to subject  
the MLX90614 to heat transfer and especially transient conditions.  
Upon power-up the MLX90614 passes embedded checking and calibration routines. During these routines  
the output is not defined and it is recommended to wait for the specified POR time before reading the module.  
Very slow power-up may cause the embedded POR circuitry to trigger on inappropriate levels, resulting in  
unspecified operation and this is not recommended.  
The MLX90614xxx is designed and calibrated to operate as a non contact thermometer in settled  
conditions. Using the thermometer in a very different way will result in unknown results.  
Capacitive loading on a SMBus can degrade the communication. Some improvement is possible with use  
of current sources compared to resistors in pull-up circuitry. Further improvement is possible with specialized  
commercially available bus accelerators. With the MLX90614xxx additional improvement is possible by  
increasing the pull-up current (decreasing the pull-up resistor values). Input levels for SMBus compatible  
mode have higher overall tolerance than the SMBus specification, but the output low level is rather low even  
with the high-power SMBus specification for pull-up currents. Another option might be to go for a slower  
communication (clock speed), as the MLX90614xxx implements Schmidt triggers on its inputs in SMBus  
compatible mode and is therefore not really sensitive to rise time of the bus (it is more likely the rise time to  
be an issue than the fall time, as far as the SMBus systems are open drain with pull-up).  
For ESD protection there are clamp diodes between the Vss and Vdd and each of the other pins. This  
means that the MLX90614 might draw current from a bus in case the SCL and/or SDA is connected and the  
Vdd is lower than the bus pull-ups’ voltage.  
In 12V powered systems SMBus usage is constrained because the SCL pin is used for the Zener diode  
function. Applications where the supply is higher than 5V should use the PWM output or an external  
regulator. Nevertheless, in the 12V powered applications MLX90614 can be programmed (configured and  
customized) by forcing the Vdd to 5V externally and running the SMBus communication.  
Sleep mode is available in MLX90614Bxx. This mode is entered and exited via the SMBus compatible 2-wire  
communication. On the other hand, the extended functionality of the SCL pin yields in increased leakage  
current through that pin. As a result, this pin needs to be forced low in power-down mode and the pull-up on  
the SCL line needs to be disabled in order to keep the overall power drain in power-down really small.  
The PWM pin is not designed for direct drive of inductive loads (such as electro-magnetic relays). Some  
drivers need to be implemented for higher load, and auxiliary protection might be necessary even for light but  
inductive loading.  
It is possible to use the MLX90614xxx in applications, powered directly from the AC line (transformer less). In  
such cases it is very important not to forget that the metal package of the sensor is not isolated and  
therefore may occur to be connected to that line, too. Melexis can not be responsible for any application like  
this and highly recommends not to use the MLX90614xxx in that way.  
Power dissipation within the package may affect performance in two ways: by heating the “ambient” sensitive  
element significantly beyond the actual ambient temperature, as well as by causing gradients over the  
package that will inherently cause thermal gradient over the cap. Loading the outputs also causes increased  
Rev 003  
Page 33 of 40  
Data Sheet  