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MAX797CSE+ 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MAX797CSE+
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内容描述: 降压型控制器,具有同步整流的CPU电源 [Step-Down Controllers with Synchronous Rectifier for CPU Power]
分类和应用: 稳压器开关式稳压器或控制器电源电路开关式控制器光电二极管信息通信管理LTE
文件页数/大小: 32 页 / 415 K
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Step-Down Controllers with  
Synchronous Rectifier for CPU Power  
quency where harmonics of the switching frequency  
Remote sensing of the output voltage, while not possi-  
ble in fixed-output mode due to the combined nature of  
the voltage- and current-sense input (CSL), is easy to  
achieve in adjustable mode by using the top of the  
external resistor divider as the remote sense point.  
Fixed-output accuracy is guaranteed to be 4% over  
all conditions. In special circumstances, it may be nec-  
essary to improve upon this output accuracy. The High-  
Accuracy Adjustable-Output Application (Figure 18)  
provides 2.5% accuracy by adding an integrator-type  
error amplifier.  
don’t overlap a sensitive frequency band. If necessary,  
synchronize the oscillator to a tight-tolerance external  
clock generator.  
The low-noise mode (SKIP = high) forces two changes  
upon the PWM controller. First, it ensures fixed-frequen-  
cy operation by disabling the minimum-current com-  
parator and ensuring that the PWM latch is set at the  
beginning of each cycle, even if the output is in regula-  
tion. Second, it ensures continuous inductor current  
flow, and thereby suppresses discontinuous-mode  
inductor ringing by changing the reverse current-limit  
detection threshold from zero to -100mV, allowing the  
inductor current to reverse at very light loads.  
The breakdown voltage rating of the current-sense  
inputs (7V absolute maximum) determines the 6V maxi-  
mum output adjustment range. To extend this output  
range, add two matched resistor dividers and speed-  
up capacitors to form a level translator, as shown in  
Figure 8. Be sure to set these resistor ratios accurately  
(using 0.1% resistors), to avoid adding excessive error  
to the 100mV current-limit threshold.  
In most applications, SKIP should be tied to GND in  
order to minimize quiescent supply current. Supply cur-  
rent with SKIP high is typically 10mA to 20mA, depend-  
ing on external MOSFET gate capacitance and  
switching losses.  
Forced continuous conduction via SKIP can improve  
cross regulation of transformer-coupled multiple-output  
supplies. This second function of the SKIP pin pro-  
duces a result that is similar to the method of adding  
secondary regulation via the SECFB feedback pin, but  
with much higher quiescent supply current. Still,  
improving cross regulation by enabling SKIP instead of  
building in SECFB feedback can be useful in noise-  
sensitive applications, since SECFB and SKIP are  
mutually exclusive pins/functions in the MAX796 family.  
Secondary Feedback-Regulation Loop  
(SECFB Pin)  
A flyback winding control loop regulates a secondary  
winding output (MAX796/MAX799 only), improving  
cross-regulation when the primary is lightly loaded or  
when there is a low input-output differential voltage. If  
SECFB crosses its regulation threshold (VREF for the  
Adjustable-Output Feedback  
(Dual-Mode FB Pin)  
Adjusting the main output voltage with external resis-  
tors is easy for any of the devices in the MAX796 family,  
via the circuit of Figure 6. The nominal output voltage  
(given by the formula in Figure 6) should be set approx-  
imately 2% high in order to make up for the MAX796’s  
-2.5% typical load-regulation error. For example, if  
designing for a 3.0V output, use a resistor ratio that  
results in a nominal output voltage of 3.06V. This slight  
offsetting gives the best possible accuracy.  
Recommended normal values for R5 range from 5kΩ to  
100kΩ. To achieve a 2.505V nominal output, simply  
connect FB to CSL directly. To achieve output voltages  
lower than 2.5V, use an external reference-voltage  
source higher than V , as shown in Figure 7. For best  
accuracy, this second reference voltage should be  
much higher than V . Alternatively, an external op  
= V (1 + –––)  
WHERE V (NOMINAL) = 2.505V  
amp could be used to gain-up REF in order to create  
the second reference source. This scheme requires a  
minimum load on the output in order to sink the R3/R4  
divider current.  
Figure 6. Adjusting the Main Output Voltage  
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