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DS12CR887-33+ 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: DS12CR887-33+
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内容描述: RTC,带有恒压涓流充电器 [RTCs with Constant-Voltage Trickle Charger]
分类和应用: 计时器或实时时钟微控制器和处理器外围集成电路光电二极管
文件页数/大小: 23 页 / 333 K
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RTCs with Constant-Voltage Trickle Charger  
The second flag bit method is used with fully enabled  
Nonvolatile RAM (NV RAM)  
interrupts. When an interrupt flag bit is set and the cor-  
The 114 general-purpose NV RAM bytes are not dedi-  
responding interrupt-enable bit is also set, the IRQ pin  
cated to any special function within the DS12R885.  
is asserted low. IRQ is asserted as long as at least one  
They can be used by the processor program as  
of the three interrupt sources has its flag and enable  
battery-backed memory and are fully available during  
bits set. The IRQF bit in Register C is a 1 whenever the  
the update cycle.  
IRQ pin is driven low. Determination that the RTC initiat-  
ed an interrupt is accomplished by reading Register C.  
A logic 1 in bit 7 (IRQF bit) indicates that one or more  
The DS12R885 includes three separate, fully automatic  
interrupts have been initiated by the DS12R885. The  
sources of interrupt for a processor. The alarm interrupt  
act of reading Register C clears all active flag bits and  
can be programmed to occur at rates from once per  
the IRQF bit.  
second to once per day. The periodic interrupt can be  
selected for rates from 500ms to 122µs. The update-  
Oscillator Control Bits  
ended interrupt can be used to indicate to the program  
When the DS12R887 and DS12CR887 are shipped  
that an update cycle is complete. Each of these inde-  
from the factory, the internal oscillator is turned off. This  
pendent interrupt conditions is described in greater  
feature prevents the lithium energy cell from being  
detail in other sections of this text.  
used until it is installed in a system.  
The processor program can select which interrupts, if  
A pattern of 010 in bits 4 to 6 of Register A turns the  
any, are to be used. Three bits in Register B enable the  
oscillator on and enables the countdown chain. A pat-  
interrupts. Writing a logic 1 to an interrupt-enable bit  
tern of 11x (DV2 = 1, DV1 = 1, DV0 = X) turns the oscil-  
permits that interrupt to be initiated when the event  
lator on, but holds the countdown chain of the oscillator  
occurs. A 0 in an interrupt-enable bit prohibits the IRQ  
in reset. All other combinations of bits 4 to 6 keep the  
pin from being asserted from that interrupt condition. If  
oscillator off.  
an interrupt flag is already set when an interrupt is  
enabled, IRQ is immediately set at an active level,  
Square-Wave Output Selection  
although the interrupt initiating the event may have  
Thirteen of the 15 divider taps are made available to a 1-  
occurred earlier. As a result, there are cases where the  
of-16 multiplexer, as shown in the functional diagram.  
program should clear such earlier initiated interrupts  
The square-wave and periodic-interrupt generators  
before first enabling new interrupts.  
share the output of the multiplexer. The RS0–RS3 bits in  
When an interrupt event occurs, the relating flag bit is  
set to logic 1 in Register C. These flag bits are set inde-  
pendent of the state of the corresponding enable bit in  
Register B. The flag bit can be used in a polling mode  
without enabling the corresponding enable bits. The  
interrupt flag bit is a status bit that software can interro-  
gate as necessary. When a flag is set, an indication is  
given to software that an interrupt event has occurred  
since the flag bit was last read; however, care should  
be taken when using the flag bits as they are cleared  
each time Register C is read. Double latching is includ-  
ed with Register C so that bits that are set remain sta-  
ble throughout the read cycle. All bits that are set (high)  
are cleared when read, and new interrupts that are  
pending during the read cycle are held until after the  
cycle is completed. One, two, or three bits can be set  
when reading Register C. Each used flag bit should be  
examined when Register C is read to ensure that no  
interrupts are lost.  
Register A establish the output frequency of the multi-  
plexer (see Table 3). Once the frequency is selected, the  
output of the SQW pin can be turned on and off under  
program control with the square-wave enable bit, SQWE.  
Periodic Interrupt Selection  
The periodic interrupt causes the IRQ pin to go to an  
active state from once every 500ms to once every  
122µs. This function is separate from the alarm inter-  
rupt, which can be output from once per second to  
once per day. The periodic interrupt rate is selected  
using the same Register A bits that select the square-  
wave frequency (Table 3). Changing the Register A bits  
affects the square-wave frequency and the periodic-  
interrupt output. However, each function has a separate  
enable bit in Register B. The SQWE bit controls the  
square-wave output. Similarly, the PIE bit in Register B  
enables the periodic interrupt. The periodic interrupt  
can be used with software counters to measure inputs,  
create output intervals, or await the next needed soft-  
ware function.  
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