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GAL20V8B-15LPNI 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: GAL20V8B-15LPNI
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内容描述: 高性能E2CMOS PLD通用阵列Logic⑩ [High Performance E2CMOS PLD Generic Array Logic⑩]
分类和应用: 可编程逻辑器件光电二极管输入元件时钟
文件页数/大小: 25 页 / 578 K
 浏览型号GAL20V8B-15LPNI的Datasheet PDF文件第13页浏览型号GAL20V8B-15LPNI的Datasheet PDF文件第14页浏览型号GAL20V8B-15LPNI的Datasheet PDF文件第15页浏览型号GAL20V8B-15LPNI的Datasheet PDF文件第16页浏览型号GAL20V8B-15LPNI的Datasheet PDF文件第18页浏览型号GAL20V8B-15LPNI的Datasheet PDF文件第19页浏览型号GAL20V8B-15LPNI的Datasheet PDF文件第20页浏览型号GAL20V8B-15LPNI的Datasheet PDF文件第21页  
Specifications GAL20V8  
Electronic Signature  
Output Register Preload  
An electronic signature is provided in every GAL20V8 device. It When testing state machine designs, all possible states and state  
contains 64 bits of reprogrammable memory that can contain user transitions must be verified in the design, not just those required  
defined data. Some uses include user ID codes, revision numbers, in the normal machine operations. This is because, in system  
or inventory control. The signature data is always available to the operation, certain events occur that may throw the logic into an  
user independent of the state of the security cell.  
illegal state (power-up, line voltage glitches, brown-outs, etc.). To  
test a design for proper treatment of these conditions, a way must  
NOTE: The electronic signature is included in checksum calcula- be provided to break the feedback paths, and force any desired (i.e.,  
tions. Changing the electronic signature will alter the checksum. illegal) state into the registers. Then the machine can be sequenced  
and the outputs tested for correct next state conditions.  
Security Cell  
GAL20V8 devices include circuitry that allows each registered  
output to be synchronously set either high or low. Thus, any present  
state condition can be forced for test sequencing. If necessary,  
approved GAL programmers capable of executing text vectors  
perform output register preload automatically.  
A security cell is provided in the GAL20V8 devices to prevent un-  
authorized copying of the array patterns. Once programmed, this  
cell prevents further read access to the functional bits in the device.  
This cell can only be erased by re-programming the device, so the  
original configuration can never be examined once this cell is pro-  
grammed. The Electronic Signature is always available to the user,  
regardless of the state of this control cell.  
Input Buffers  
GAL20V8 devices are designed with TTL level compatible input  
buffers. These buffers have a characteristically high impedance,  
and present a much lighter load to the driving logic than bipolar TTL  
Latch-Up Protection  
GAL20V8 devices are designed with an on-board charge pump  
to negatively bias the substrate. The negative bias minimizes the  
potential of latch-up caused by negative input undershoots. Ad-  
ditionally, outputs are designed with n-channel pull-ups instead of  
the traditional p-channel pull-ups in order to eliminate latch-up due  
to output overshoots.  
The GAL20V8 input and I/O pins have built-in active pull-ups. As  
a result, unused inputs and I/O's will float to a TTL "high" (logical  
"1"). Lattice Semiconductor recommends that all unused inputs  
and tri-stated I/O pins be connected to another active input, VCC  
or Ground. Doing this will tend to improve noise immunity and re-  
duce ICC for the device.  
Device Programming  
GAL devices are programmed using a Lattice Semiconductor-  
approved Logic Programmer, available from a number of manu-  
facturers. Complete programming of the device takes only a few  
seconds. Erasing of the device is transparent to the user, and is  
done automatically as part of the programming cycle.  
Typical Input Pull-up Characteristic  
- 2 0  
- 4 0  
- 6 0  
1 . 0  
2 . 0  
3 . 0  
4 . 0  
5 . 0  
Input Voltage (Volts)  