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240VA 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 240VA
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 在系统可编程3.3V通用数字CrosspointTM [In-System Programmable 3.3V Generic Digital CrosspointTM]
文件页数/大小: 25 页 / 324 K
 浏览型号240VA的Datasheet PDF文件第11页浏览型号240VA的Datasheet PDF文件第12页浏览型号240VA的Datasheet PDF文件第13页浏览型号240VA的Datasheet PDF文件第14页浏览型号240VA的Datasheet PDF文件第16页浏览型号240VA的Datasheet PDF文件第17页浏览型号240VA的Datasheet PDF文件第18页浏览型号240VA的Datasheet PDF文件第19页  
Specifications ispGDX240VA  
ispGDX Development System  
The ispGDX Development System supports ispGDX Status Bar and the work area. The figure below shows  
design using a simple language syntax and an easy-to- these elements of the ispGDX GUI.  
use Graphical User Interface (GUI) called Design  
The Menu Bar displays topics related to functions used in  
Manager. From creation to In-System Programming, the  
and submenus by using the mouse or hotkeys. The  
menu items available in the ispGDX system are FILE,  
ispGDX system is an easy-to-use, self-contained design  
tool delivered on CD-ROM media.  
DOW and HELP.  
Easy-to-use Text Entry System  
The Tool Bar is a quick and easy way to perform many of  
the functions found in the menus with a single click of the  
mouse. File, Edit, Undo, Redo, Find, Print Download and  
ispGDX Design Compiler  
- Design Rule Checker  
- I/O Connectivity Checker  
Compiler are just some of the Icons found in the ispGDX  
Tool Bar. For instance, the Compiler Icon performs the  
same function as the Invoke => Compiler menu com-  
mands, including design analysis and rule checking and  
the fitting operation.  
- Automatic Compiler Function  
Industry Standard JEDEC File for Programming  
Min / Max Timing Report  
Interfaces To Popular Timing Simulators  
User Electronic Signature (UES) Support  
The Status Bar displays action prompts and the line and  
column numbers reflect the location of the cursor within  
Detailed Log and Report Files For Easy Design Debug the message window or the work area.  
On-Line Help  
Workstation Version  
Windows® 3.1x, Windows 95, Windows 98 and Win-  
dows NT® Compatible Graphical User Interface  
The ispGDX software is also available for use under the  
SunO/S4.1.xorSolaris2.4or2.5. TheSunversionofthe  
ispGDX software is invoked from the command line  
undertheUNIXoperatingsystem. AGUIisnotsupported  
in this environment.  
SUN O/S, Command Line Driven version available  
PC Version  
With the ispGDX GUI for the PC, command line entry is  
not required. The tools run under Microsoft Windows 3.1,  
Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT. When the  
ispGDX software is invoked, the Design Manager and an  
accompanying message window are displayed. The  
Design Manager consists of the Menu Bar, Tool Bar,  
In the UNIX environment, the ispGDX Design File (GDF)  
must be created using a text editor. Once the GDF has  
been created, invoke the ispGDX workstation software  
from the UNIX command line. The following is an ex-  
ample of how to invoke ispGDX software.  
Lattices ispGDX Development System Interface  
[-i input_file]  
[-p part name]  
[-r par_file]  
-i input_file  
ispGDX design file  
-of [edif | orcad | viewlogic | Output format  
verilog | vhdl]  
-p part_name  
-r par_file  
ispGDX part number  
Read parameters from  
parameter file  