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U4164AU-004 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: U4164AU-004
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Logic Analyzer Module]
文件页数/大小: 34 页 / 1843 K
品牌: KEYSIGHT [ Keysight Technologies ]
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10 | Keysight | U4164A Logic Analyzer Module - Data Sheet  
Deep Trace Captures  
Using memory depth options, transitional timing and state mode store  
qualification triggers  
Available memory depth of up to 400 M samples allows you to debug very complex problems  
where the cause and symptoms may be separated by several seconds. The amount of memory  
can be upgraded after purchase; see “Upgrades” in “Ordering Information” section of this  
No need to sacrifice sampling resolution to view more system activity. In timing mode, if your  
system has bursts of activity followed by times with little activity, you can use transitional  
timing along with the logic analyzer’s deep memory to capture seconds to minutes of activity  
at 400 ps (2.5 GHz), 200 ps (5 GHz), or 100 ps (10 GHz) sampling resolutions. You also have the  
flexibility to increase the amount of time captured by excluding certain buses or signals from  
the transition detector, for example clock or strobe signals, that add little useful information to  
a state mode measurement.  
In state mode, use store qualification to save only states of interest into memory. Figure 4  
shows a store qualification trigger for state mode that stores only valid mode register settings  
for DDR memories, allowing deep capture of only the MRS commands. The MRS command is a  
“favorite” trigger that can be “recalled” from any Keysight default probing configuration for DDR  
memory. Other “favorite” store qualification triggers include “Filter NOP, trigger on first valid  
command,” which is where the valid commands and enough samples to capture the DQ bursts  
for DDR memory transactions are stored and “Deselected” or “NOP” states are not stored,  
conserving logic analyzer memory depth.  
Figure 4. Mode register trigger allows you to capture key events during initialization without wasting  
valuable memory.  