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PA2203A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PA2203A
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内容描述: [IntegraVision PA2200 Series Power Analyzers]
文件页数/大小: 19 页 / 817 K
品牌: KEYSIGHT [ Keysight Technologies ]
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16 | Keysight | IntegraVision PA2200 Series Power Analyzers - Data Sheet  
Accuracy Specifications for V, I, P, Q, S, λ, phase: ± (% Reading + % Range + Fixed Term)  
Valid for 1 year from calibration  
10 Hz-40 Hz 40 Hz-100 Hz 100 Hz-1 kHz 1 kHz-10 kHz 10 kHz-100 kHz 2 100 kHz-1 MHz 2  
DC3 - 10 Hz  
%Reading + %Range  
Fixed Term  
0.05 + 0.05  
0.06 + 0.05  
0.06 + 0.05  
0.08 + 0.03  
0.05 + 0.05  
0.05 + 0.05  
0.08 + 0.03  
0.05 + 0.05  
100 µV  
0.1 + 0.05  
0.1 + 0.05  
0.5 + 0.2  
0.8 + 0.4  
0.008 x f + 0.5  
(External Input)  
%Reading + %Range  
Fixed Term  
0.05 + 0.05  
0.08 + 0.04  
0.05 + 0.05  
0.8 + 0.4  
0.008 x f + 0.5  
100 µV (1/Rtrans  
(Directly Connected  
2 A and 50 A Inputs)  
%Reading + %Range  
Fixed Term 2 A  
0.1 + 0.05  
(0.05 x f) + 0.4  
0.05 mA  
1 mA  
0.08 + 0.08  
Fixed Term 50 A  
%Reading + %Range  
Fixed Term  
(External Current Input)  
0.08 + 0.08  
0.1 + 0.05  
0.08 + 0.08  
0.1 + 0.05  
0.08 + 0.08  
0.15 + 0.08  
0.5 + 0.05  
1.6 + 0.7  
100 µV Rtrans Voltage Reading  
0.1 + 0.05 0.1 + 0.05  
(Directly Connected Current  
%Reading + %Range  
Fixed Term 2 A  
(0.05 x f) + 0.7  
0.05 mA Rtrans Voltage Reading  
1 mA Rtrans Voltage Reading4  
Fixed Term 50 A  
For all specs dependent on frequency, use frequency (f) in kHz.  
Ranges: Voltage: 5 V, 10 V, 20 V, 50 V, 100 V, 200 V, 500 V, 1000 V  
2 A input: 10 mA, 20 mA, 50 mA, 100 mA, 200 mA, 500 mA, 1 A, 2 A  
50 A input: 200 mA, 500 mA, 1 A, 2 A, 5 A, 10 A, 20 A, 50 A  
External Transducer input: 50 mV, 100 mV, 200 mV, 500 mV, 1 V, 2 V, 5 V, 10 V  
Specifications are valid for operating temperature of 23 ±5C, Humidity of 20 to 80% RH with at least 60 minutes of warm-up. Valid for 1 year from  
calibration. Input must be sinusoidal with amplitude between 10% to 110% of range with no common mode signal, with a power factor of 1. Measurement  
technique must be Continuous Whole-Cycle Analysis (CWA) with interval greater than or equal to 200 ms. Specifications for inputs beyond 0.8 x107VHz  
are characteristics. Specifications for frequencies between DC to 10 Hz and above 1 MHz are characteristics. Internal current and power with internal  
current specifications above 10 kHz are characteristics. Outside of 23 ± 5C, use the following % of Reading + % of Range specification adder.  
Temp Coefficient  
DC Temp Coefficient 0.005 + 0.020  
Temp Coefficient 0.01 + 0.01  
DC Temp Coefficient 0.01 + 0.02  
0.005 + 0.005  
Per degree outside of 23 ± 5C  
Per degree outside of 23 ± 5C  
Per degree outside of 23 ± 5C  
Per degree outside of 23 ± 5C  
V, I  
P, Q, S  
For measurements above 100 kHz, anti-aliasing (AA) filter must be turned off. If AA filter is on, add an additional 0.0004f2 times % of Reading . For all  
specifications dependent on frequency, use frequency (f) in kHz.  
To meet the DC accuracy in the table, a zero compensation process must have occurred within the past hour, or within 2 C ambient temperature change.  
A zero compensation process happens automatically any time the range is changed, or when a zero process is explicitly requested via the user interface.  
Otherwise, add 0.1% of range.  
In the specification above, Rtrans is equal to the Voltage per Ampere transducer gain, and Ntrans is the Ampere per Ampere turns ratio of the current  
transformer. Voltage Reading term is the RMS voltage measurement from the same power channel.  
The -3 dB BW of voltage and transducer inputs is 2.5 MHz anti-aliasing is off.  
If current greater than 20 Arms is applied to the 50 A input, you must wait at least 10 minutes to get full accuracy below 20 Arms. This is due to self heating of  
the shunt.  
Common mode signal applied to the current terminals can affect the accuracy of the measurement. To calculate the impact of the common mode, multiply  
the ACrms common mode voltage by the frequency of the common mode signal and then multiply by the spec adder below. For the effects on power  
accuracy, multiply this error term by Macrms  
2 A  
2 nA / VHz  
50 A  
10 nA / VHz  
Use these specs for P, Q and S. Range for a power measurement is defined as (Voltage Range) x (Current Range).  
Apply this error to power P and reactive power Q. For power Factor (λ) in between 0 and 1, use the formula:  
= 0.1f1λ2 % Range and Qerr = 0.1fλ times % of Range  
10. Power factor Accuracy: 0.005+0.0018f 1λ2  
11. Phase Accuracy: 0.03 + 0.054f degrees  