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DSO/MSO9000A-500 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: DSO/MSO9000A-500
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Infiniium 9000 Series Oscilloscopes]
文件页数/大小: 32 页 / 4500 K
品牌: KEYSIGHT [ Keysight Technologies ]
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23 | Keysight | Infiniium 9000 Series Oscilloscopes - Data Sheet  
Infiniium 9000 Series Performance Characteristics (Continued)  
Trigger: Digital channels MSO models  
Threshold range  
Threshold accuracy  
(User defined) ± 8.0 V in 100-mV increments  
± (100 mV + 3% of threshold setting)  
Measurements and math  
Waveform measurements  
Voltage (scope channels)  
(Can be made on either min or zoom window with up to 10 simultaneous measurements with statistics)  
Peak-to-peak, minimum, maximum, average, RMS, amplitude, base, top, overshoot, V overshoot, preshoot, V preshoot,  
upper, middle, lower, crossing point voltage, pulse top, pulse base, pulse amplitude  
Period, frequency, positive width, negative width, duty cycle, delta time  
Rise time, fall time, period, frequency, positive width, negative width, duty cycle, Tmin, Tmax, Tvolt, channel-to-channel  
delta time, channel-to-channel phase , count pulses, burst width, burst period, burst interval, setup time, hold time  
Area, slew rate  
Time (digital channels)  
Time (scope channels)  
Mixed (scope channels  
Frequency domain  
Eye-diagram measurements  
Measurement modes  
FFT frequency, FFT magnitude, FFT delta frequency, FFT delta magnitude all timing measurements  
Eye height, eye width, eye jitter, crossing percentage, Q factor, and duty-cycle distortion  
Displays the mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum range, and number of measurement values for the  
displayed automatic measurements  
Histograms (scope channels)  
Waveform or measurement (histogram on measurement requires EZJIT, EZJIT+, or EZJIT Complete option)  
Vertical (for timing and jitter measurements) or horizontal (noise and amplitude change) modes, regions are defined  
using waveform markers  
Mean, standard deviation, mean ± 1, 2, and 3 sigma, median, mode, peak-to-peak, min, max, total hits, peak (area of  
most hits), X scale hits, and X offset hits  
Waveform math  
Number of functions  
Manual markers, track waveform data, track measurements  
Operators absolute value, add, AM demodulation, average, horizontal gating, Butterworth 1, common mode,  
differentiate, divide, FFT magnitude, FFT phase, FIR11, high pass filter, integrate, invert, LFE 1, low pass filter (4th-order  
Bessel Thompson filter), magnify, max, min, multiply, RT Eye 1, smoothing, SqrtSumOfSquare 1, square, square root,  
subtract, versus Chartstate (MSO models), charttiming (MSO models)  
Measure menu access to all measurements, ten measurements can be displayed simultaneously  
Front-panel button activates up to ten pre-selected or ten user-defined automatic measurements  
Measurement toolbar with common measurement icons that can be dragged and dropped onto the measurement  
toolbar displayed waveforms  
Automatic measurements  
Manual markers, track waveform data, track measurements  
Frequency range  
Frequency resolution  
Window modes  
DC to 10 GHz (at 20 GSa/s) or 5 GHz (at 10 GSa/s)  
Resolution = sample rate/memory depth  
Hanning, flattop, rectangular, Blackman Harris, Force  
1� Requires MATLAB software�  