06 | Keysight | CX3300 Series Device Current Waveform Analyzer - Data Sheet
You will never overlook any transient current and can improve your debug
efficiency by 1 GSa/s and up to 200 MHz bandwidth.
You might not be aware of a very sharp current pulse due to a lower measurement
bandwidth and/or slow sampling rate. The CX3300’s high frequency measurement
capabilities capture never seen before fast transient current waveforms and clearly show
them on the display. As a result, you can not only improve the debug efficiency, but can
select the right components by knowing the peak current.
Zoom in this area
Figure 8. You can capture fast
transient current waveforms and
show them on the display.
20 ns
Figure 9. You can easily measure
transient current with less than
100 ns pulse width, which can
help you evaluate and analyze
two terminal devices such as
Figure 10. Up to 256 Mpts/
Zoom in this area
ch memory depth and the fast
acquisition rate allow you to
capture long-term behaviors to
find, for example, unexpected
current peaks. Using the
“Anywhere” zooming function
10 MSa/s
256 Mpts/ch
(described in a later section)
allows you to clearly identify
any areas of interest on the
measured waveform.