14 Registers
Access Mechanisms
The Intel 6400/6402 Advanced Memory Buffer (AMB) component supports PCI
configuration space access as defined in the PCI Local Bus Specification, Rev.2.2. The
internal registers of the AMB can be accessed in byte (8-bit), word (16-bit), or double
word (32-bit) quantities. All multi-byte numeric fields use “little-endian” ordering (that
is, lower addresses contain the least significant parts of the field). As a memory buffer
(not a PCI device or bridge) the AMB is not fully compliant with this mechanism with
respect to the standard registers (those with offsets 0-3Fh).
The AMB will not be mapped into the host system's PCI Plug and Play hierarchy, but is
accessed through a method that is host controller implementation specific.
Problems will occur if the host system maps the registers into the PCI PnP hierarchy.
Configuration accesses are transported on the FBD link as configuration read and write
commands, which mimic the corresponding PCI commands. The AMB responds to any
device encoded in an FBD command. The AMB responds only to SM Bus requests that
match the NodeID. The “Device:” mentioned in the heading of each configuration
register table does not designate the PCI device; it designates the SM Bus node.
Conflict Resolution and Usage Model Limitations
AMB accepts configuration register reads and writes through the FBD link and through
SMBus transactions. In Logic Analyzer Interface (LAI) mode, registers are not
accessible through the in-band FBD link configuration read/write commands.
Registers do not incur read side-effects.
FBD Data on Configuration Read Returns
FBD read return data from the AMB is described in the FB-DIMM Architecture and
Protocol Specification. Configuration reads are sent in northbound data frames. Only
the bottom four bytes of this data are defined for a configuration access. The rest of the
bytes in the read return are undefined. Legal CRCs are generated for these undefined
inbound bytes.
Non-Existent Register Bits
To comply with the PCI specification, accesses to non-existent registers and bits will be
treated as follows:
Table 14-1. Access to “Non-existent” Register Bits
Access to
Have no effect
Have no effect
AMB returns -1
Registers in unimplemented functions
Registers not listed
AMB returns all zeroes
Software must read-modify-
write to preserve the value
AMB returns implementation
specific values
Reserved bits in registers
Intel® 6400/6402 Advanced Memory Buffer Datasheet