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ILC7280CS-3030 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ILC7280CS-3030
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分类和应用: 稳压器调节器电源电路射频光电二极管输出元件
文件页数/大小: 9 页 / 66 K
品牌: IMPALA [ Impala Linear Corporation ]
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Micropower Dual 150mA CMOS RF LDO™ Regulators with 75dB Ripple Rejection  
+VIN A and B  
Output Capacitor  
An output capacitor is required from VOUTA and VOUTB to  
GND to prevent oscillation and minimize the effect of load  
transient currents. The minimum size of the output capac-  
itor(s) is dependent on the usage of CNOISE and its value.  
Without CNOISE, a minimum of 1µF is recommended. For  
CNOISE = 22pF, a minimum of 2.2µF is recommended  
(See figure 1). Larger values of output capacitance will  
slow the regulator's response during power up. The upper  
limit of capacitance is indefinite, however, it should have  
an equivalent series resistance (ESR) of approximately  
5or less and a series resonance above 1MHz. Stability  
is assured with the use of a capacitor having ultra-low  
ESR and as such will not produce low amplitude oscilla-  
tions nor an underdamped transient response. This  
allows the use of modern ceramic capacitors in prefer-  
ence to their more costly Tantalum counterparts.  
These pins are connected internally through a galvanic  
connection for maximum power from each regulator, both  
VINA and VINB must be connected externally to VDD  
Forcing ENA and/or ENB to a voltage greater than 2V,  
enables the regulator(s). These inputs are CMOS logic  
compatible gates. If this feature is not required, connect  
ENA and/or ENB to VIN. Note that VINA and VINB are con-  
nected internally. To minimize the effect of imbalanced  
current sharing and possible noise, both VINA and VINB  
should also be connected externally.  
Input Capacitor  
A 1µF capacitor should be placed from VINA/B to GND if  
there is more than 10 inches of wire between the input and  
the ac filter capacitor or if a battery is used as the input.  
If the system design calls for smaller load currents, lower  
capacitance may be used. Below 10mA the capacitance  
may be reduced to 0.47µF and below 1mA to 0.33µF.  
Reference Bypass Capacitor  
CNOISE (the reference voltage bypass capacitor) is con-  
nected to the internal Vref which is common to regulator's  
A and B. A 22pF capacitor connected between CNOISE and  
GND decouples the reference output voltage and provides  
a significant reduction in regulator output noise. An effect  
of CNOISE also reduces the regulator phase margin. When  
using CNOISE, output capacitors of 2.2µF or greater are  
required to maintain stability.  
No-Load Stability  
The ILC7280 will remain stable and in regulation with no  
load current. These are desirable performance features  
for applications such as keep-alive modes in CMOS sys-  
Split-Supply Operation  
When using the ILC7280 in a system requiring that the  
load be returned to the negative voltage source, the out-  
put(s) must be diode clamped to inhibit significant volt-  
age excursions below ground. A simple external diode  
clamp to ground will afford protection from damage to  
the device. (See figure below).  
Also affected by CNOISE is the start up speed of the ICL7280.  
The speed is inversely proportional to the value of CNOISE. If  
a slow or delayed start up time is desired, a larger value of  
CNOISE is used. Conversely, faster start up times or instant-on  
applications will require smaller values of CNOISE or its omis-  
sion with the pin left open. The trade-off of noise to response  
should be considered.  
Dual Regulator  
External Diode, Dext inhibits significant voltage excursions  
below ground in a split power supply load return.  
Impala Linear Corporation  
ILC7280 1.8  
(408) 574-3939  
May 2000  