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ICS1893BYI-10LF 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ICS1893BYI-10LF
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内容描述: 3.3 -V的10Base -T / 100BASE - TX集成PHYceiver [3.3-V 10Base-T/100Base-TX Integrated PHYceiver]
文件页数/大小: 143 页 / 1665 K
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ICS1893BY-10 Data Sheet - Release  
Chapter 5 Interface Overviews  
5.8 Status Interface  
The ICS1893BY-10 LSTA pin provides a Link Status, and its LOCK pin provides a Stream Cipher Locking  
Status. In addition, as listed in Table 5-5, the ICS1893BY-10 provides five multi-function configuration pins  
that report the results of continual link monitoring by providing signals that are intended for driving LEDs.  
(For the pin numbers, see Table 8.3.2.)  
Table 5-5. Pins for Monitoring the Data Link  
LED Driven by the Pin’s Output Signal  
AC (Link Activity) LED  
CL (Collisions) LED  
LI (Link Integrity) LED  
TD (Transmit Data) LED  
RD (Receive Data) LED  
1. During either a power-on reset or a hardware reset, each multi-function configuration pin is an input  
that is sampled when the ICS1893BY-10 exits the reset state. After sampling is complete, these pins  
are output pins that can drive status LEDs.  
2. A software reset does not affect the state of a multi-function configuration pin. During a software reset,  
all multi-function configuration pins are outputs.  
3. Each multi-function configuration pin must be pulled either up or down with a resistor to establish the  
address of the ICS1893BY-10. LEDs may be placed in series with these resistors to provide a  
designated status indicator as described in Table 5-5.  
Caution: All pins listed in Table 5-5 must not float.  
4. As outputs, the asserted state of a multi-function configuration pin is the inverse of the sense sampled  
during reset. This inversion provides a signal that can illuminate an LED during an asserted state. For  
example, if a multi-function configuration pin is pulled down to ground through an LED and a  
current-limiting resistor, then the sampled sense of the input is low. To illuminate this LED for the  
asserted state, the output is driven high.  
5. Adding 10Kresistors across the LEDs ensures the PHY address is fully defined during slow VDD  
power-ramp conditions.  
6. PHY address 00 tri-states the MII interface. (Do not select PHY address 00 unless you want the MII  
ICS1893BY-10 Rev A 3/24/04  
March, 2004  
Copyright © 2004, Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc.  
All rights reserved.  